Friday, January 17, 2025

Do Join Me for Next Week's 'A' Group Ride from Walton-on-Thames

Do join me at the Riverhouse Barn on Wednesday 22 Jan for a ride of almost exactly 20 miles westwards to lunch at The Tilly Shilling, Farnborough, Hants (Wetherspoons) and almost exactly 20 miles back by a different way to tea at Squires, Hersham.   Three and a half hours riding time there and back.

There will be one or two few noticeable climbs but, overall, it will be a lot less hilly than a typical 'A' group ride.   Almost all is on road, but there are a couple of surfaced paths as well (no mud).

The route will include many familiar stretches together with a few bits which may be less familiar, but is easily rideable from .gpx, so any volunteers to sub-lead please make yourselves known!

All are welcome - if you'd like to join the ride please e-mail me at not later than 6.00 pm on Monday 20 Jan.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

A group ride report - 15 January 2025

After a week or two of icy weather and the over indulgence of Christmas and New Year, it seems that A group riders were raring to go for this first ride of the year in mild weather despite the mist (MET office) and fog (BBC) forecasts. In the event it was neither foggy nor misty but it was drizzly low cloud all day long.

Maybe also it was the promise of a shorter, flatter ride that prompted 27 to sign up. At this point I need to apologise as it turned out to be shorter only for those living towards Dorking. Indeed, Strava tells me that Dave V put in a very commendable 72 miles as well as leading a group. Well done Dave! As for flatter, the computer said it was a mere 1,000 or so feet. However, the reality on the road was just a tad more than 2,000 feet so thank you for not reporting me under theTrade Descriptions Act, nor complaining (within my earshot).

As I had to be in London early evening I had elected to lead the first group comprising Dave B, Hans, Neil W, Patrick, Andy H, Andy C, Clive and me. We left the warmth and hospitality of Dorking St Martins and my group were ready and waiting only for me to find that my combination lock would not release. 10 minutes of struggling, re-entering the combination, trying different combinations even though i knew the first to be correct, pushing, pulling and wriggling the lock were to no avail. By now Dave and Frances' groups had politely waited a short while but had since departed. I suggested that my group go ahead without me and whilst that was being debated Neil W gallantly worked on the lock further until miraculously (and with no small amount of brute force) it released. It seems that the locking mechanism had seized up as it's not a lock that I use very often. With the lock ceremoniously dumped in the bin we were at last able to set off.

Feeling my lack of miles and time on the bike we pushed forward and met Dave's group on the short sharp hill just after Henfold Lakes. Simon had needed to stop with a chain problem and so we were able to overtake. Further hills were traversed on the flat route and eventually we reached Rusper which more or less signalled the end of them. Somewhere around the outskirts of Horley we saw and passed Frances' group. Wetherspoons was busy and staff were thin on the ground but fortunately for us we were mostly served quickly.

After lunch the terrain was flat so we made good progress around the housing estates on the outskirts of Horley and then onto some less familiar lanes (the potholes were as familiar as ever though). Neil W had the misfortune of a puncture on Tilehurst Lane and whilst stopped we noticed there was a large patch broken glass. There was more at the end of the lane too which seemed a little suspicious. By Denbies and on familiar terrain I had to leave the group to press on home in order to be in time for my London train. My bike was as dirty as I've ever seen it by the time I got home!

Thanks to my group for their cheerful good company and in particular Dave B for ably backmarking and Neil W for releasing my bike in Dorking.It was great to be out cycling in the fresh air! Many thanks also to Dave V and Frances for sub leading and Dave for also helping with editing of the route.

Now to Dave's report.

Ride Report Dorking Horley 15 Jan

An enthusiastic bunch at Dorking enabled our “last” group to leave right on time.

Spirits among our group remained high judging by the chatter behind, even though we saw not a glimmer of sun all day.

We arrived at Jack Fairmain’s after 1 ¾ hours, earlier than I expected. Lunch in contrast was unexpectedly protracted, 1hour+ is a long time in ‘spoons, which was clearly understaffed even for January.

The afternoon started with a leisurely tour of Horley’s new housing estates, before some pleasantly quiet lanes back to Dorking which enabled a more purposeful pace.

Janice’s take on a classic route gave us just the right amount of post-Xmas exercise, and gave us a couple of surprise loops, not to mention the odd hill.

My group (Sue’s F& C, Diane, Paula, Gina & Gill, Simon and back marker Dave F) split on the run in to Leatherhead as riders headed directly home. Gina notably elected for climbing Box Hill, shrouded in thick cloud.

Arriving at Charlie & Ginger around 3.30, four of us stopped for tea where we met up with the survivors of the earlier groups.

Thanks to my group for your unfailing good humour, and especially to Dave F for high-visibility back marking.

Frances’ report follows. 

There was a very keen group of cyclists when I arrived at Dorking and a 2025 buzz that the weather was a little warmer.
My group was a little smaller and after we saw that the first group were trying to unlock Janice's bike (cooking oil added!) we were the first group to set out.
We made a good pace out of Dorking, heading in Newdigate, Rusper direction and despite warnings there was no fog, just a little dampness in the air.
I did not realise that Steve W had in fact caught up with the group (after I not noticing he was late to the party) which was good news and our able back marker , Peter  kept a watchful eye on us all.  The initial first group passed us later but we had them in sight through Charlwood and arrived pretty much to Horley at a similar timeframe.  Whilst there were some undulations getting there everyone was in good spirits and food arrived promptly.  
The return was debated by us all out of Horley - over the railway bridge , under the tunnel (which was closed) an executive order was given to drag bikes over the bridge.  Then we were on our way and the route via some housing estate, through a new road back via Doversgreen, Leigh and up the Punchbowl was very good with long stretches.
The greyness descended more as we headed back to Leatherhead , we also tailed the earlier group on the pathway.  By the time we got to Leatherhead several of our group decided to head home, whilst some decided to stop for tea.
Great turnout in January on a lovely route. Thanks all.

Finally, Dave and Jennie I hope you’re feeling much better. 


B Group Ride Report - Wednesday 15th January '25

Perhaps the recent cold weather had deterred many from signing up to today’s ride but nevertheless there were twelve cyclists who decided to brave the misty weather and join us for 11’s at Dorking Christian Centre. Compared to the recent cold snap the outside temperature felt somewhat tropical. 

After a last minute reshuffle John A led the first group out promptly with a couple of additional riders and I led the second with slightly depleted numbers. 

We all ascended up to Cotmandene (too misty to witness the washing lines in action) and along to North Holmwood. Heading south via Blackbrook, Henfold, Newdigate to the Jordans we then headed back and happened upon a field of alpacas happily grazing and minding their own business and oblivious of our interest or attention. 

Continuing along quiet country lanes we cycled via Parkgate, Leigh, Brockham, Pixham to Westhumble where we joined our fellow cyclists already installed for lunch at the Stepping Stones’ pub. Peter B (the birthday boy) let slip that today was occasion for celebration and was appropriately photographed with his daughter Victoria who was also able to join us. Belated happy birthday Peter !

Suitability fed and watered some headed home while others followed the shorter ride via Leatherhead and Ashtead for tea at the ‘Old Moat’ garden centre at Horton. 

Luckily the day passed without any issues or incidents and hopefully everyone returned home safely before it got too dark. Many thanks to John A who dutifully led the first group and to everyone who contributed to making today’s ride a success. There are a selection of photos posted on the B group WhatsApp site taken during the day.

A good day had by all !


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wendy Salmon - Celebration of Life Service

There will be a service to celebrate Wendy's life on Tuesday 4th February at 11:45am, at Hampton Methodist Church, Percy Road, Hampton.   I don't have any other details at the moment, but if you have questions, contact me (simon.lambourn at and I'll try to get more information.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Ride Leader Course


Last October  we ran our first Ride Leader course using an external professional coach, Jen Buckley. Many thanks to the brave guinea pigs who volunteered, took part and provided extensive feedback to shape  future courses. I think it is fair to say that it was an interesting learning experience for all of us and 6 of  the participants have now led successful rides, thus increasing the number of members available to lead which is greatly appreciated.

I am hoping to run another course in the next few months and we have 4 places available. The course content has been tweaked slightly following feedback from the first group of participants and I am sure you will find it both useful and enjoyable. The format for the course will remain the same - 1 hour theory delivered via Zoom in the evening and a 2 hour practical session on local roads. As before, the cost will be between £10-14 depending on the number of participants but we do need a minimum of 6 riders.

Please email me to secure a place on the course

Sue F

B Group Ride - Wednesday 15th January '25

Our ride from Dorking will take us south towards Rusper via Henfold and Newdigate then back to Westhumble via Parkgate and Brockham.

Lunch is at 'The Stepping Stones', Westhumble.

The shorter afternoon ride will take us to 'The Old Moat' g/c at Horton for tea.

Please reply by Monday evening to be included on the ride list.

Email -
WhatsApp - 07756961505

Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.


Thursday, January 09, 2025

A group ride from Dorking 15 January

 A shorter flatter ride to a Wetherspoons pub seems to me to be the order of the day. This means there’s no need to worry if fitness is not what it was a few months ago (I for one haven’t been outdoors on my bike since before Christmas) nor about pre-ordering lunch and last minute changes due to inclement weather. 

We’ll be heading off for lunch at Wetherspoons in Horley and returning to Leatherhead for tea. This will be a round trip of just under 40 miles.

If you’d like to join me and my sub leaders Dave V and Frances please email me ( by 6pm on Monday so that I can sort out groups and times.

B group ride report 8th January 2025 Cobham to Seven Stars at Ripley

Ride Leader Paula

My first ride lead and the first ride of the year in sub-zero temperatures and a forecast of 90% rain and snow. What was I thinking? 

 As it happens I had 2 willing (and very lovely) helpers, only a hardy band of subscribers and a forecast that remarkably improved as the day approached. 
So the Brave Hearts and the Die Hards (great group names if only I had thought of them sooner) aka Gill's Group and Paula's group set off from Cobham after a lengthy discussion about the route (or technically you could say risk assessment) and some welcome coffee and cake to celebrate Gill and Dave V's recent birthdays (thankyou both). Lovely also to see Ian and Ken at coffee. 
Gill's group were off first...

From Gill:

A cold but enjoyable ride through Surrey countryside today.  The ice was nowhere near as bad as expected, but we were cautious and avoided the Greene Dene ascent and Staple Lane descent.  As it turned out Greene Dene was closed to traffic, possibly due to flooding, so staying on the main road to East Clandon had been a good decision. Our merry band had stuck together well, but part way along the call came to ‘go faster’ as the chill air was getting to us and lunch beckoned because we were cruelly paused outside the pub with the extra loop of 9 miles still to go. I offered an early lunch, but in my hardy group there were no takers! We also had the new bridge at Wisley to look forward to!

When we did eventually get inside, the Seven Stars pub was very welcoming, we were served at table, all the fires were lit and we had an extra fan heater by us.  Food was good. 

Back on the road it was a short hop to tea for those partaking, at Stoke d’Abernon.

Thanks Mick for marvellous back marking and my whole group for your lovely company.

Well done Paula for your first lead, it was brilliant!

From Paula:

My group, Sue F (mentor), Tim G (back marker), Julie, Fixie Dave, or should if be faffing Dave :) (Maddie had a nose bleed and met us at lunch, Terry sensibly didn't brave the cold and Paul and Geoff didn't make it either) pedalled non-eventfully to Effingham, managed to survive the travellers' dogs at Calvert Road, to brave the main A246 (thereby avoiding the potentially slippery Green Dene and Staple Lane - to Julie's delight!) joining the planned route at East Clandon. From then on it was plain sailing (operative word) on lanes and small roads to pass the Seven Stars in preparation for the stupid loop which brought us past Wisley and floating over the A3 on the new super smooth cycle path back to Ripley for a warm up and nice lunch served by 'beautiful people' at the Seven Stars. Here we are in the warm:

We decided on Barbara's at Stoke D'Abernon for tea by which time things had warmed up a bit (the rain held off but Maddie was prepared!) and we wondered what all the fuss had been about!  All in all a good day out with no shipwrecks and nobody drowned!

Well done on your first ride lead Paula and as Dave F commented, excellent ride leading skills in re-planning the route according to weather conditions. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

A Group Ride from Cobham to Guildford and Leatherhead. 8th January 2025.

 Nineteen signed-up for the first ride of 2025. With the threat of icy conditions this was soon whittled-down to eleven in two rearranged groups starting from Cobham. (Brian's valuable pre-elevenses recce confirmed Plough Lane and the alternative, Chilbrook Lane, to be treacherous - so it was decided to follow a more direct route to Guildford, eschewing minor roads that may have been icy). Hans led one group, I led the other.

So instead of a route through Ockham, Ripley, Send, Mayford and Worplesdon into Guildford, the two groups blasted along the A246 Epsom Road as a direct route. Except it wasn't. Short of a challenge we climbed Shere Road towards Newlands, anticipating a descent of Trodds Lane to Merrow only to find  'Road Ahead Closed'. Apparently it was closed to provide a better crossing for golf buggies: it didn't deter us as we circumvented the barriers and made a fast but chilly descent.

Trodds Lane closed - but not for us.

 Once in Guildford Hans led the way to Wetherspoons Rodboro Building which we reached at noon. (This was a rare trip to this 'Spoons, as blog records show only two previous visits by the A Group in 2008 and 2010). It has an interesting history, originally built as a factory manufacturing Dennis motor vehicles, with Wetherspoons converting the building to a pub in 1998.

A chilly start after lunch. (photo Dave V.)

We picked-up the planned route after lunch. Apart from a major flood at the bottom of Green Dene - necessitating a U-turn to Chalk Lane, the afternoon's ride was trouble-free, with evidence of flooding, but scant sign of ice. Four stayed to tea at Charlie and Gingers.

Many thanks to Hans for leading one group with off-the-cuff routing, and to Dave Vine for back-marking my group. Kudos to the other eight - who were determined to mark the start of 2025 with a Wayfarers ride:- Dave W, Clive, Simon L, Patrick, Dave B, Neil C, Daniel, and Simon W. Thanks also to Dave V - and Gill, for the birthday cakes at Cobham. 

Monday, January 06, 2025

Wendy Salmon has died

I received news that Wendy passed away this weekend, after having been ill with cancer for a while.

Wendy with Irene and Brian Bent in 2014 (middle row, far right)

Wendy and her husband David rode with the Easy Riders in the early 2010's.  David passed away in 2014 and Wendy stopped riding with us some time after that, but she was a regular member of Teddington Choral Society (of which I'm also a member) for over 50 years, singing right up to our Christmas concert last December despite her illness.  She will be much missed in the choir, and I'm sure there are some Wayfarers who have fond memories of her company on rides.

I have asked for details of her funeral and will pass them on when I have them.