Friday, March 14, 2025

Invitation to the 2025 London Ride, Wednesday 19 March

All club riders, A, B & C and Saturday/Sunday riders, are invited to the 2025 London Ride to Alexandra Palace

The ride will start from Roehampton Gate in Richmond Park, the first group to leave at 10am, and finish at Battersea Park.

The reason for the earlier start is that this is an ambitious London Ride and it will take approximately three hours to cycle the twenty miles to lunch, because of the nature of urban riding through central London and the hills before lunch.

Group leaders will stand by to ferry any riders unsure of getting home from Battersea Park back to Clapham Common, Earlsfield, Wimbledon Park and Richmond Park.

Lunch is at Ally Pally, no pre-ordering.

The ride is 30 miles long and mostly flat, but unfortunately John Johnson in a fit of egotism decided to build Ally Pally on top of one hill and behind another, so the morning ride finishes with two steep climbs.

Those who wish to ride please email by Monday night to be allocated into groups.

The final recce is on Monday, to check on roadworks, etc., and the route for that final recce (and, God willing, for the ride itself) is here.


A Group 12th March New Haw to Puttenham ride report

Numbers were rather fluid for this ride right up until departure when we were eventually down to 14 in two groups of 7. 

Dave Ward led the first group:

The first group (including new member, but old-hand, Guy) set off a little late from New Haw.  Hans had kindly offered to back-mark.   With the aid of a bit of the almost lost skill of corner-marking from Patrick and others, we were soon making up for lost time.   As usual when I attempt to lead the less-slow group, I just about managed to keep up with the others!    The weather, at least before lunch, was rather pleasanter than we had expected, despite the sand-papering wind!   Brian's excellent route gave us the chance to cruise along smoothly, and it was nice to be back in parts of Surrey the A's have not frequented for some while.

The sky looked a bit more threatening as we arrived at The Good Intent, but we forgot about that as we tucked into our capacious lunches Having ordered a side-order of fries, I remembered too late that these must surely be the most generous sandwiches in Surrey!   Never mind, I managed!

When we set off on Brian's intriguing route back to Guildford via the aptly-named Hurtmore, it still wasn't raining.   However, the wet stuff gradually set in and we eventually succumbed to the lure of waterproofs!   Shortly after that, my front tyre succumbed as well!    It would have made an unseemly public spectacle for the rest of the group to be standing around shivering and dripping while I fumbled around, so I waved them on, and huddled in a bus shelter while I got myself roadworthy again (joke!).   While this was in progress, the second group went by.   Was I showered with words of encouragement and offers of help - no, they didn't even notice me!     Fortunately, I was just about re-inflated by then.   I set off but the sight of a very ominous-looking black cloud on the horizon was not encouraging and I decided it would be prudent to dodge the encounter with Warwick's Bench and head straight for home.   The rest of the group, I understand, had a close encounter with a hail storm, so I count myself fortunate to have punctured and got back bathed in sunshine!

My group of Sue C, Gill, Karl, Richard, Clive and  Simon set off shortly after Dave. We stopped near the Pirbright Institute to update the pub of our changed numbers and then pushed on the lunch. The long drag down the Pirbright Road led to some nice lanes through Tongham to the pub. We were supposed to be the "slow" group but it has been gently hinted by several of the group that my pace was a bit faster than that (!) which probably explains why we arrived at lunch at my planned time in spite of a our later start. We were as usual well fed and watered and left to find that there was rain in the air. 

The double right turn to Hook Lane went very smoothly and it is a nice run down to Shackleford. The rain increased from Hurtmore to Farncombe but we missed what seemed to have been an earlier downpour approaching Shalford and by Guildford it was dry with blue sky back to Cobham. Four of us stopped for tea thus missing the hail that afflicted others and emerged to find just a few spots of rain on our bikes. 

Thanks to Simon for back marking and all for their company.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

New Haw to Lightwater ride report Wednesday 12th March

What with lunch menu chaos and road closures, we had a lot to contend with yesterday however our two brand new sub-leaders, Brenda and Linda, rose wonderfully to the challenge. Faced with the Stonehill Rd closure by a sandwich-chomping workman, our two cool cucumbers led us on what was possibly a more scenic route than my original and got us to lunch virtually on time. Quite an achievement! Anyway, lets hear what they both had to say, and of course Francis who kindly led the middle group:

First away - Linda's group

We set off about 3 minutes late from New Haw having to leave poor Arwyn behind to fix his puncture.  Maddie arrived just as we were about to leave and asked to join our Group, which she did as Arwyn wasn’t coming.  In our group were myself, Julie B, Maddie, Bob P John A and Tim G.  We progressed well until coming to a closed road not far from Foxhills Country Club, Stonehill Road.  The chap on duty would not let us pass so we turned right to start a detour of about a mile to the right.  Thanks to Julie's input we had the minimum disruption possible and later returned to the route.  We made it to lunch at 12.20, good lunch in a nice accommodating pub.  We left there about an hour or so later to go to Hampton Court.

We set off fine until we got to the closed road at the other side of Stonewall Road, a chap in a car gave us some guidance and we carried on past Fairoaks airport until we could join up to our route.  Along one of the roads we did have to take evasive action as a huge red lorry tried to overtake us when there was little room to do so, fortunately we had heard or seen this coming so we all jumped into the greenery at the side of the road.  I did not understand my komoot correctly on 2 occasions but it was easily remedied.  We then carried on to Hampton Court over the bridge where we thought we were meant to go for tea, where we met Diane.

All my group were very helpful and understanding.  Thank you.

Second group - Francis

One of our most westerly Elevenses venue, the New Haw Community Centre was warm, welcoming
and had lovely cakes.
7 of us ‘middle group, left on time at 11 am for the short ride to the Red Lion pub, in Lightwater, via
Ottershaw and Chobham Common in good if somewhat chilly weather.
The “short ride” turned out not to be that short as we reached a road closure along Stonehill road. A
workman was even posted at the sign making sure cyclists did not slip past, as heavy machinery
blocked the entire road. The detour was a long one and we arrived at little later than expected at the
pub. The pub was a real gem. Quick service, warm welcome, big portions and a wonderful
conservatory for our groups.
Back on our bikes on time for the 18 miles to tea at the Coppernose Café at Hampton Court. All was
going very well until we again arrived at that road closure from the other end this time and we had
to make a long detour to connect back to the route with help from some members of the group who
luckily knew the local roads well. A few headed home near the end while the rest of us headed to
Thank you Sue for a marvellous route and to my group Dawn, Carolyn, Tony, Liz, Pam and Ray (back-
marker) for their convivial company.

And finally Brenda's group

This was my first sub lead and I used Komoot , am sure lots were wondering oh gosh we all know about Brenda and her battles with Komoot !

We met at New Haw community centre and due to various events I ended up with a small group of 4 merry bikers , Sue F ( reassuringly behind me all the way ), Fixie Dave and Steph W…

Within one minute of leading our little group successfully around the first corner I heard stop stop , we’ve lost one ! It was Steph who thought that Terry was with our group and went back to get him only to be told he wasn’t coming with us ! It gave us all a laugh !

Carried on and next obstacle was road resurfacing and a diversion which we had to navigate… this was done successfully and got us to lovely Red Lion pub for superb lunch , dinner already on table on arrival !

Our group gained Maggie and Paul for the ride back to tea at Hampton Court so our merry 4 became 6 ..

Had to work around similar road diversions on way back but I’m delighted to say Komoot behaved well for me and no mud or floods were encountered despite all the diversions !

Thoroughly enjoyed and thanks to my group for relaxed company to and fro

Brenda B

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Alternative experience of Mallorca

While some 20 of us were enjoying a week of cycling and eating in the South of Mallorca, Bernard and Sabina did their own thing on the west coast, including the ascent of Sa Calobra. Read Bernard's account in our 'Sou'Westers on Tour' blog:

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Ride Invitation for A Group - 12th March

Our ride on Wednesday from New Haw Day Centre (KT15 3ET) is to the Good Intent at Puttenham (20 miles) and return to Cobham (another 20). All on road (though I may tweak the route to include a tarmac path).

Outward via Woking, Fox Corner and Tongham returning via Shackleford, Farncombe and my "Marmite" route avoiding Guildford centre - this climb to Warwicks Bench being the only "hill" according to my Garmin. 

We are required to preorder.

Good Intent menu 

Please email me by 5pm on Monday with your lunch order for a place. At present I don't have a subleader for a faster group so a volunteer would be welcome. 

Ride invitation for Wednesday 12th March - New Haw - Lightwater - Hampton Court

You are invited to join the ride next Wednesday from Woodham and New Haw Day Centre (KT15 3ET) to Lightwater and then back to Hampton Court for tea. It will be a mere 12 miles to lunch but many of you will have cycled quite a way to 11’s already:

Fortified with lunch, we then have a longer afternoon ride back to Hampton Court for tea. Café TBC.

We are having lunch at The Red Lion in Lightwater and they would like us to pre order:

Menus - The Red Lion Lightwater

Please can you send me your lunch choices by 5pm on Monday

Hope you can make it.

Sue F

Friday, March 07, 2025

'A' Group ride to the Annual Lunch 05/03/25

Jennie J wrote:

My group left the hall in Cobham on time, there were eight riders including one that hadn't ridden with us before and one that had only been out once before, anyway, welcome to you both.

The route to Tolworth was a fairly simple one, Bookham, Cobham again, Thames Ditton and Surbiton and then finally to the Restaurant. About 19 miles in total including a section of track, and we managed to arrive spot on at 12.20.

Many thanks to Diane P for back marking thus keeping the theme to celebrate International Women's Day.

We were then able to park the bikes and have a great lunch, really good to catch up with people I hadn't seen for a while.

Same again next year?

Thanks to all on the ride.

Jennie J

Cool, but look at the sky!

Janice D wrote:

After Jennie’s group had departed Richard, Steve D, Ged, Neil W, Patrick, Dave V and myself set off in a southerly direction, heading for Tolworth in the North. It was a glorious day of blue skies and sunshine so no one minded where we were headed as long as there was a 3 course lunch at the end of it!

Familiar roads and a change in direction gave way to a devious route through some very nice roads in Surbiton after which we were spat out into Tolworth Broadway and our tried and tested annual lunch spot at Restaurant Sorrento. 

As always the staff coped admirably with serving so many hungry cyclists!

Thanks to Jennie for organising the route and Dave for back marking. Also to Sue and Tim for the short and sweet speeches and presentations. 



Thursday, March 06, 2025

Awards presented for achievements in 2024

The Winners

( click on the sheet to enlarge )

Here are the winning photos and links to the albums for all the photos in each category:

6.1 Person or people (male) (Drake Cup)

photo by Sue B 

6.2 Person or people (female) (Colour Cup)

photo by Madeleine 

6.3 Action (Albert Welvaert Memorial Trophy)

photo by Tim C  

6.4 Scenery/Landscape (President's Trophy)

photo by Dawn 

6.5 Building/buildings (The Tom and Mrs Fish Cup)

photo by Simon 

6.6 Humorous or funny (Snapshot Trophy)

photo by Ged 

6.7 Best Group photo (Pete Mitchell Memorial trophy)

photo by Diane 

6.8 Hors catégorie  (no prizes)       

photo by Dave C 

Photos arrive in this HC category for numerous reasons, not delivered before the deadline, not showing an obvious link to cycling, not taken by the person submitting the photo, exceeding the quota of two photos per category, or not meeting other criteria for the competition. But they are good photos all the same so we are pleased to be able to exhibit them along with those in the main categories.

A big thank you to Ken Day, Paul Day, Graham and Gill Holder who judged the photos this year, (along with myself). 

When our Chairperson Sue Foster addressed the multitude she explained that due to the high total cost of having the engraving done for the 13 trophies presented today we had suspended the engraving of all trophies until a full discussion could be had at our AGM to agree the way forward.

The 'Over the Top' cup was awarded to Paul James for his published account of the heroic assault made on the famous Alpe d'Huez by Maggie and himself. 

You can read Paul's article on page 12 in the Nov/Dec 2024 digital edition of the Sou'Wester:

'Another Bloody Hill' by Paul James

Thank you to those who served on the specially convened sub-committee (Ged, Richard, Maggie, Sue F, Dave V.) for reading through all the articles to arrive at the winning entry for this prize.

Thank you to Mick Arber for undertaking the amazingly complex task of analysing the attendance data for all sections of the club to discover the winners of our two attendance trophies.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the competitions and congratulations to all prize-winners.

~ Tim C

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Annual Lunch B ride on Wednesday 5th March

All aboard for the International Women’s Day ride to the annual lunch at Tolworth. It will be a short boring ride from Cobham to Ristorante Sorrento, led by 3 terribly interesting international women.  Email or WA Paula on 07767256645 by Monday 6pm if you want to take part. Here’s the ride:

Friday, February 28, 2025

Annual Lunch - Final Check

Dear everyone,

We have 73 bookings for our annual lunch. If you are coming please review the menu and the list below to confirm

  • that your name is included
  • that I have recorded correctly the entrée and main courses which you have ordered

If I have made a mistake or omission please advise me today so that I can correct your order. (If my information is correct you don't need to contact me 😉)


Tim C

( click menu to enlarge )


Ann B Melanzane Ripiene Cannelloni di Ricotta
Anne C Insalata di Salmone Cannelloni di Ricotta
Anne W (GF) Insalata di Salmone Pollo Crema & Funghi
Arwyn M Cocktail di Gamberi Pesce del Giorno
Bernard P Insalata di Salmone Cannelloni di Ricotta
Bob P Funghi Ripieni Cannelloni di Ricotta
Brenda B Insalata di Salmone Pesce del Giorno
Brian G Melanzane Ripiene Fegato alla Veneziana
Carolyn B Cocktail di Gamberi Cannelloni di Ricotta
Christina B Melanzane Ripiene Pesce del Giorno
Colin L Funghi Ripieni Tacchino alla Milanese
Colin Q Cannelloni di Carne Pollo Crema & Funghi
Dave C Zuppa del Giorno Pesce del Giorno
Dave E Zuppa del Giorno Pollo Crema & Funghi
Dave V Insalata di Salmone Fegato alla Veneziana
David F Funghi Ripieni Fegato alla Veneziana
David J Cocktail di Gamberi Tacchino alla Milanese
Dawn M Zuppa del Giorno Pollo Crema & Funghi
Diane P Insalata di Salmone Cannelloni di Ricotta
Don E Funghi Ripieni Spaghetti Ragu
Ed S Cocktail di Gamberi Cannelloni di Ricotta
Francis D'S (GF) Cocktail di Gamberi Fegato alla Veneziana
Frank B Cannelloni di Carne Pesce del Giorno
Frank C Melanzane Ripiene Fegato alla Veneziana
Ged L Zuppa del Giorno Pollo Crema & Funghi
Geoff G Chicken Liver Pâté Cannelloni di Ricotta
Gill F Melanzane Ripiene Pesce del Giorno
Gill H Cocktail di Gamberi Pesce del Giorno
Gillian C Cannelloni di Carne Pesce del Giorno
Graham H Cocktail di Gamberi Pollo Crema & Funghi
Grant P Zuppa del Giorno Fegato alla Veneziana
Helen T Chicken Liver Pâté Cannelloni di Ricotta
Ian P Cannelloni di Carne Pollo Crema & Funghi
Ian W Insalata di Salmone Pollo Crema & Funghi
James G Chicken Liver Pâté Tacchino alla Milanese
Janice D Melanzane Ripiene Pollo Crema & Funghi
Jennie J Cocktail di Gamberi Pesce del Giorno
John Bay Funghi Ripieni Penne Giardiniera
John Bel Melanzane Ripiene Fegato alla Veneziana
John C Insalata di Salmone Penne Giardiniera
Julie B Insalata di Salmone Pollo Crema & Funghi
Karl M Cannelloni di Carne Pollo Crema & Funghi
Ken D Cannelloni di Carne Fegato alla Veneziana
Ken J Zuppa del Giorno Pollo Crema & Funghi
Liz B Insalata di Salmone Pesce del Giorno
Madeleine S Funghi Ripieni Cannelloni di Ricotta
Maggie J Melanzane Ripiene Penne Giardiniera
Maureen G Chicken Liver Pâté Pollo Crema & Funghi
Mick A Cocktail di Gamberi Cannelloni di Ricotta
Neil C Insalata di Salmone Pollo Crema & Funghi
Neil W Cocktail di Gamberi Tacchino alla Milanese
Pam J Funghi Ripieni Spaghetti Ragu
Pat D Insalata di Salmone Cannelloni di Ricotta
Paul J Cocktail di Gamberi Cannelloni di Ricotta
Paula B Funghi Ripieni Spaghetti Ragu
Peter B Melanzane Ripiene Cannelloni di Ricotta
Peter S Funghi Ripieni Fegato alla Veneziana
Ray W Cannelloni di Carne Pesce del Giorno
Ray Y Chicken Liver Pâté Pollo Crema & Funghi
Richard B Melanzane Ripiene Fegato alla Veneziana
Sandy B Insalata di Salmone Pesce del Giorno
Simon L Cannelloni di Carne Tacchino alla Milanese
Steph W Insalata di Salmone Fegato alla Veneziana
Stephen H Cocktail di Gamberi Fegato alla Veneziana
Steve D Funghi Ripieni Fegato alla Veneziana
Sue B Cannelloni di Carne Pesce del Giorno
Sue C Melanzane Ripiene Fegato alla Veneziana
Sue F Zuppa del Giorno Penne Giardiniera
Terry L Zuppa del Giorno Spaghetti Ragu
Tim C Insalata di Salmone Pollo Crema & Funghi
Tim G Cocktail di Gamberi Tacchino alla Milanese
Tony Hoo Zuppa del Giorno Fegato alla Veneziana
Tony Hop Zuppa del Giorno Spaghetti Ragu