Thursday, August 02, 2012

Wednesday 1 August B Ride

Ten of us set out from North Cheam viz. Cliff, Gillian, Harold, John G, Liz, Lynda, Malcombe, Maureen, Pat and me. We went north through suburbia streets to Wimbledon Common and then on the main road to Putney Bridge. Over the river and coffee at a the pleasant Cafe at the Cottage at the feet of  Johnny Haynes - whom several people had seen play.

The pace proved too blistering for Harold who abandoned us exhausted. The rest carried on to lunch. Along the river through Wandsworth Park. I had hesitated about a couple of miles south from Wandsworth Bridge on the A214 because whenever I've been there it's been really busy. However, perhaps because of the Olympics, all three lanes were quiet. Lunch and swimming at my house.

There's a small prize for non-attenders who can identify the swimmer:

A minor excitement (for me at any rate) was to see a Jersey Tiger Moth in the garden, only the second one. There's a local population in south London, it's unusual in that it flies in the daytime and has bright orange underneath its wings.

After lunch we parted at Streatham Common, I hope the others found their way back without difficulty.

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