Tuesday, January 24, 2023

First Aid Training

Would you be able to help if someone needed basic emergency treatment while out on one of our rides?  

At the last Committee Meeting we discussed this and so we are intending to arrange a first aid training course run by St John’s Ambulance who are aware that we are a cycling club, so we can all be more confident if one of those very rare emergencies does ever happen.  

Let us know if this would be of interest to you. The course would be held locally and the likely cost will be around £30.00 per person and it will be 3½ hours in duration.

Please reply by email to Jennie Jackson if this is of interest to you and you would like to attend the course.




Brian Bent said...

Worth doing. —- plus a check on cycle helmet, after my spill I cycled home to find mine had spilt and was digging into my head.

Frances Stewart said...

I have accredited first aider valid 3 years. Worth doing for all