Friday, January 24, 2025

Invitation for the B Ride on Wednesday 29th January

We quite often finish in Banstead, especially if we have ventured south eastwards during the day but this will be our first ever morning meeting for Elevenses in Banstead. We shall meet at the day centre, which is in the Horseshoe, near to the library, at the west end of the High Street, SM7 2BQ.

Banstead Centre location

There are only a couple of actual bike racks but there is plenty of space all the way round the building. We shall ride some suburban roads before making our way towards Tadworth and then do a loop through the Surrey lanes and back to Westhumble for lunch.

This is our route:

Please let me know by Monday evening if you wish to join one of the groups, letting me know any preferences for groups or partners.


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