Saturday, December 31, 2005
C Group Dec 28th
Belated 'C' group report. I, shorts and all, stuck my knees out in the cold of Wednesday, entering Richmond Park at the Ham gate, pushing myself up the stiff climb, crossed the road toward Pen ponds, the bike slipping and sliding on the ice. Climbing, as I turned left at the car park I noticed the front wheel vibrating. Cold --out of breath--skating on thin ice-- mechanical fault all balanced by the meeting place getting nearer but, lo and beharold, everybody had more sense and stayed home indoors! Except one poor soul standing --- frozen to the spot? Twas Ron -- after half hour we made our way back via Test hill to my place for refreshment and warmth, my front wheel with half dozen spokes loose providing an excuse to terminate the 'C' ride Harold
Thursday, December 29, 2005
28th December 2005
Hello Wayfarers and friends
With 25 or more KPRC members and friends out on a glorious sunny, dry Christmas Eve morning led by Simon and Jen, the change in weather to yesterday's ice and freezing conditions, and resulting low turnout, could not have been more marked. It could also have been assisted by some over-indulgence by one or two of us wimps!
Consequently, from Garson's, 'A' group was down to a Famous Five of Graham, Irene, Pam, Pete M and Vic (after Pete B and Keith Rook went home). Doom-laden forecasts had persuaded the leader to take the easy option. Quite unnecessary as it turned out – it being a perfect day for cycling, if temperatures just above zero C can be enjoyed to the full. So it was up the Mound, over the golf course and down to Hinchley Wood. Next were Giggs Hill Green, Thames Ditton and the cycle-path to Hampton Court Bridge. Long queues formed for the ice rink as we headed along the NCN 4 towpath. From Kingston Bridge and the side of Bushy Park, there was a last right turn into Bushy Park Road and a walk over the railway lines where once a level crossing existed. After passing through the small park opposite, Graham remarked that houses in the area had entertained many servicemen from the nearby wartime US base. Lunch was taken at The Lion, which sports a short and relatively expensive menu. According to our expert, the canned music featured Bukka White, Blind Lemon Jefferson and early Muddy Waters, but Irene found the comfy leather sofa far more to her taste. For some reason, tales of Patagonia were the main topic of conversation. Pete M decided home was best so only four read the sign “Teddington Bridge closed for 3 weeks between 12/12/05 and 23/01/06”! Once over without difficulty, it was onward through Ham, the Tudor estate and the back streets to a tea stop, leaving our leader with no distance at all to get home.
Hi Brian Just to let you all know, six in 'B' group plus leader Ken left Garson's Farm for The Barley Mow in Horsley. Only, after coming away, Ken said he was feeling too cold and thought he had better go home. Hope it isn't a virus. Then Les continued to lead Norman, Liz, Judy, Cliff and myself through Cobham, and onto East Clandon, where we had lunch at The Queens Head. The last stretch of road was quite icy in parts; so we came back via Effingham, Great Bookham to Leatherhead. We all decided to miss a tea-stop and continued home. I clocked 37 miles. A nice, sunny day, and I stayed quite warm with my seven layers on. See you next week, Lynda. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE. Meanwhile, Helga, myself, Cliff and Maureen will be enjoying 4 days in Fort Purbeck, Portsmouth. I hope!
Dear Brian My leadership of the B ride today was unfortunately short lived. Only half a mile after leaving elevenses, I was overcome by the cold and had to call for the Preece sag wagon. I had planned to lunch at West Horsley, but I understand from Norman (who kindly phoned this evening) that the group went to East Clandon. It looks as though it is going to remain cold for some days, perhaps with some more snow. Ken
I suspect that in the prevailing conditions, Tom and 'C' group may have gone straight home from Richmond Park, a sensible move if it was the case.
You'll know by now that 2006 subs will be collected at Cobham next Wednesday 04Jan06 A £5 note secures SWLDA membership (£1), Wayfarers membership (£2) and deposit (£2) on our 01Mar06 annual lunch at Foley Arms Claygate (first 50 members only). New lists will be issued to paid-up members only 01Feb06 at Cobham - you should let me know when you collect your new card if you wish for any of your information to be withheld.
Olleh Brian
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
21st Dec 'B' Group
Three of us: Gill, Gerry and I rode from Walton-on-Thames via Chertsey, Thorpe, Virginia Water to Burrowhill "The Four Horseshoes" PH for lunch. We had tried the " Stag and Hounds", but they did not do food. Return via Old Woking, Send Marsh to Ripley. Tea was suggested but as it was the shortest day none of us wanted to waste the limited amount of daylight available. It was less cold then it has been. I clocked 54 miles.
Les Johnston
Les Johnston
21st December 2005
Greetings Wayfarers and friends
Thanks for another super Christmas meal at The Bell, Lynda. We hope management balanced the books, as everyone seems to have paid. Great night out!
Thank you everyone who sent me greetings cards and messages - all very much appreciated and of course reciprocated. I am also revelling and reciprocating in all the kissing. May it continue into 2006, especially if the girls start getting involved.
2006 subs will be collected at Cobham 04Jan06 Your £5 note secures SWLDA membership (back to £1), Wayfarers membership (a snip at £2) and deposit (£2) on our 01Mar06 annual lunch at Foley Arms Claygate (first 50 members only). New paid-up membership lists will be issued 01Feb06 at Cobham - you should let me know if you wish for any of your information to be withheld.
Hiya Brian, thanks again for mailing the ride reports, I always look forward to reading them. You say you did a short run (last week), my computer told me I had done 64miles, I know - if I must live in Egham!!! Both Irene and I had appointments Wednesday eve, so we had to return without a tea stop!! I was indoors at 4.30. It was good of Graham to lead our group home - thanks. Cheers Brian, look forward to next week. Pam (nearly as far this week from Egham - don't overdo it, Pam)
Brian, I would like to wish all DA members and particularly my old friends in the Wayfarers a very happy Christmas and good riding in the New Year. Ledbury section meets on alternate Tuesdays - usually about six riders, with an unofficial ride on the other Tuesday, same routine - coffee, pub lunch and normally home for tea. Main roads are quiet by Surrey standards and minor roads are almost traffic-free, the only punctures are from thorns in the hedge-cutting season. Any Wayfarers out this way please come and see us and perhaps spend the night, best to ring first to check where we are and that we will be in (01531 637372). Hope to be at the Barn Dance. Best wishes ............. Steve Bott.
A card to us all from over the pond wishes the "Lads and Lasses" of the Wayfarers, Happy Cycling for 2006 with best wishes from Bob and Linda Lees.
Brian, Thanks for updates. Sorry I could not make the pre Xmas runs. I have been in Sweden seeing my old work mates, parties, sauna, tall blond blue eyed girls etc. etc. Tuesday morning woke to 15cm snow and minus 16 deg C. Too cold 4 making Angels in the snow. Got back at 3am today (wed.) so had a late start. Too late 2 go 2 Cobham (just as well - we were at Walton). Have a good Christmas and merry New Year to all. Mike Morley (alias Emajay )
Wayfarers reports can be seen at on the SWLDA website, thanks to Pete Mitchell learning and dispensing blogging skills. This Blog route is the only source for yesterday's 'A' group ride and Xmas lunch report, complete with picture, both by Pete, so follow the links.
DA Photographic competition: Pete Mitchell is prepared to accept pictures for the DA Photographic competition, the rules for which can be seen on the SWLDA website under DA Competitions->Rules
Mileage totals: Also, from 01Jan06 all mileage totals for 2005 are welcome to be sent to answer phone 0208 394 2665 or Past totals covering the last ten years can be seen on DA Competitions->Mileages
Eleven of us 'C' group, led by Harold set off in pretty good weather from Walton, over Walton bridge to Shepperton where we turned right down Manygate Lane. Besides me'n'im there were John, Dave, Bill, Lynda, Mike and Mary also newcomer Stephanie. I'm sure the names of the other two will come to me although one peeled off early on. Our lunch destination was The Duke of Clarence pub at Hampton. Food was first rate and the beer was up to standard. On arrival at Bushey Park we were joined by Derek who appeared as if by magic. Then we set off for a tour of the park which included a short spot of mud, otherwise a good surface. We emerged at the gate opposite the palace and over the bridge for tea at a cafe either called Hampton Court Cafe or Five at the Bridge depending which piece of crockery you drank from! We were down to four by now, me, Bill, Lynda and Dave. I left them for a flog down to Walton, Weybridge and home making it just about lighting-up time. Many thanks to Harold for a very good ride. Albert
Have a good Christmas, one and all and we hope to see a big turn-out at Richmond Park or Garson's Farm, off West End Lane, Esher next Wednesday or soon after (joke intended!)
Olleh Brian
Thanks for another super Christmas meal at The Bell, Lynda. We hope management balanced the books, as everyone seems to have paid. Great night out!
Thank you everyone who sent me greetings cards and messages - all very much appreciated and of course reciprocated. I am also revelling and reciprocating in all the kissing. May it continue into 2006, especially if the girls start getting involved.
2006 subs will be collected at Cobham 04Jan06 Your £5 note secures SWLDA membership (back to £1), Wayfarers membership (a snip at £2) and deposit (£2) on our 01Mar06 annual lunch at Foley Arms Claygate (first 50 members only). New paid-up membership lists will be issued 01Feb06 at Cobham - you should let me know if you wish for any of your information to be withheld.
Hiya Brian, thanks again for mailing the ride reports, I always look forward to reading them. You say you did a short run (last week), my computer told me I had done 64miles, I know - if I must live in Egham!!! Both Irene and I had appointments Wednesday eve, so we had to return without a tea stop!! I was indoors at 4.30. It was good of Graham to lead our group home - thanks. Cheers Brian, look forward to next week. Pam (nearly as far this week from Egham - don't overdo it, Pam)
Brian, I would like to wish all DA members and particularly my old friends in the Wayfarers a very happy Christmas and good riding in the New Year. Ledbury section meets on alternate Tuesdays - usually about six riders, with an unofficial ride on the other Tuesday, same routine - coffee, pub lunch and normally home for tea. Main roads are quiet by Surrey standards and minor roads are almost traffic-free, the only punctures are from thorns in the hedge-cutting season. Any Wayfarers out this way please come and see us and perhaps spend the night, best to ring first to check where we are and that we will be in (01531 637372). Hope to be at the Barn Dance. Best wishes ............. Steve Bott.
A card to us all from over the pond wishes the "Lads and Lasses" of the Wayfarers, Happy Cycling for 2006 with best wishes from Bob and Linda Lees.
Brian, Thanks for updates. Sorry I could not make the pre Xmas runs. I have been in Sweden seeing my old work mates, parties, sauna, tall blond blue eyed girls etc. etc. Tuesday morning woke to 15cm snow and minus 16 deg C. Too cold 4 making Angels in the snow. Got back at 3am today (wed.) so had a late start. Too late 2 go 2 Cobham (just as well - we were at Walton). Have a good Christmas and merry New Year to all. Mike Morley (alias Emajay )
Wayfarers reports can be seen at on the SWLDA website, thanks to Pete Mitchell learning and dispensing blogging skills. This Blog route is the only source for yesterday's 'A' group ride and Xmas lunch report, complete with picture, both by Pete, so follow the links.
DA Photographic competition: Pete Mitchell is prepared to accept pictures for the DA Photographic competition, the rules for which can be seen on the SWLDA website under DA Competitions->Rules
Mileage totals: Also, from 01Jan06 all mileage totals for 2005 are welcome to be sent to answer phone 0208 394 2665 or Past totals covering the last ten years can be seen on DA Competitions->Mileages
Eleven of us 'C' group, led by Harold set off in pretty good weather from Walton, over Walton bridge to Shepperton where we turned right down Manygate Lane. Besides me'n'im there were John, Dave, Bill, Lynda, Mike and Mary also newcomer Stephanie. I'm sure the names of the other two will come to me although one peeled off early on. Our lunch destination was The Duke of Clarence pub at Hampton. Food was first rate and the beer was up to standard. On arrival at Bushey Park we were joined by Derek who appeared as if by magic. Then we set off for a tour of the park which included a short spot of mud, otherwise a good surface. We emerged at the gate opposite the palace and over the bridge for tea at a cafe either called Hampton Court Cafe or Five at the Bridge depending which piece of crockery you drank from! We were down to four by now, me, Bill, Lynda and Dave. I left them for a flog down to Walton, Weybridge and home making it just about lighting-up time. Many thanks to Harold for a very good ride. Albert
Have a good Christmas, one and all and we hope to see a big turn-out at Richmond Park or Garson's Farm, off West End Lane, Esher next Wednesday or soon after (joke intended!)
Olleh Brian
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Dec 21st Xmas Lunch in Ewell

A Group Wed 21st Dec
A flyer in the free paper prompted an Xmas meal booking in anticipation for my ride.18 responded with a £5 deposit for The King William IV pub in Ewell, known locally as The King Bill! Jen, Jake, Ed, Rob, Norman, Judy, Frank H, Toni, John B., Brian, Pam, Ray D, Irene, Graham, Bob, Terry and Grant follwed me on an intricate route from Walton through the back roads of West End, Oxshott, the golf club at Leatherhead, Ashtead common and a new path behind Livingstone Park housing estate to end up in Ewell for an excellent meal.
From Pete Mitchell
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
14th December 2005
Hello Wayfarers and friends.
Another pleasant day for our Leatherhead elevenses, with several of our seniors making a welcome appearance.
From Leatherhead Terry led 'B' group of Gill, Cliff, John M, Les, Ken and Norman south along the cycle-track until we could turn right off it to press forward over Pressforward Bridge (as we did last week with leader Cliff en route to Betchworth). We could see the A group pulling away from us in the distance. We then crossed the dual carriageway and continued along the Old London Road through Mickleham, rejoining the cycle-track at Burford Bridge to Pixham Lane. Over the A25 and along the cycle-track to the entry to Betchworth Park Golf Course. Were those the tyre tracks of the A group we could see ? Emerging at Brockham we turned right, forked left past the church and continued to the south end of Betchworth. A few spots of rain along this stretch, but nothing to worry about, in fact the sun was still shining. Past Wonham Manor (plenty of deer grazing), up Trumpet Hill then the descent of Flanchford Road and on to Leigh. We then turned left onto Smalls Hill Road to lunch at The Fox Revived at Norwood Hill. (Apparently it was once called The Fox - did it close then re-open?). After a delicious lunch in the conservatory we set off about 1.30 returning via Parkgate, Shellwood Road, left at Gadbrook crossroads then right down nostalgic Roothill. Tilehurst Lane led us to Punchbowl Lane - then for Cliff, Norman and myself next stop was Denbies. Others chose to carry on home, Cliff and I sampled the cakes - Norman was saving himself for Christmas! It was distinctly cooler when we left, but I didn't have far to go then, arriving home before dark. Terry
Meanwhile, the aforementioned 'A' group, fifteen strong and led by Bob, took a similar route, but riverside from Brockham to Betchworth and going east before Leigh to skirt south of Reigate and follow the cycleway via Meadvale to a festive lunch in The Swan in Redhill town centre. Graham led a Kingston-bound group home via Walton Heath whilst the main bunch went to Fanny's Farm before dispersing. Just the sort of short ride we needed at this time of the year.
John C. led today from Leatherhead Day Centre. There were 10 of us altogether. Beryl, Bernard, Dennis, Phil, Bill, Gerry (back from his travels in Thailand), Ron, Harold and myself. We passed Tom on our way out. Where was Albert? - Cobham, maybe? We passed Mill Pond; lower road to the Anchor Inn, left then right, then left - (I'll have to read a map next time for the names) towards Polesden Lacey. We continued passed Phoenice Farm down the long, very steep hill to Westhumble station. The sandwich brigade stopped here; and the rest of us turned in to The Stepping Stones pub. We got there a few minutes before the kitchen opened; but this turned out to be a good thing, as we were served within 10 minutes, then lots of party-people came in and all tables were soon filled. We returned along the cycle path towards Leatherhead. I would like to report, that the cygnets Terry informed us about earlier on in the year, are looking very large, (as big as Mum), fit and healthy . Ah! We got to the Day Centre, where they were due to have a 'tea party' with school children singing carols. This went on in the dining-room, so we had a peaceful and very informative tea stop. Subject, being bikes stolen and how we can try to avoid it. (Funny thing was, when I got home I had a phone call from a Councillor, who asked if I wanted anything looked into. Well, I went on about bikes being cut free when padlocked, and gave various suggestions on how I thought this could be minimized. Will he do anything about it? - I'll let you know). Anyway, after tea we made out way home, and I was pleased to be going through Nonsuch Park in the day-light and arrived at Cannons at 3.45pm. Bye for now, Lynda PS: Don't forget {would we?} 'Bell Meal' people - tomorrow (Thursday, 7pm for 7.30pm).
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our pre-Christmas elevenses at Walton next Wednesday.
Olleh Brian
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
Yellow Jersey Adventures

At the clubroom on Thursday December 8th we enjoyed a slick and interesting presentation by ‘Yellow Jersey Adventures’ . A small group headed by Tony Costick and Andy , plenty of fine views and climbs were shown covering most of the major cols used in the Tour de France. We are invited to join them on their next holiday in the Pyrenees 1-15 July 2006. Camping & moving on, luggage carried, food provided covering around 100miles per day!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
7th December 2005
Hello Wayfarers and friends
How lovely of Hazel, Thelma and Joyce to provide a KitKat for the lucky ones at Cobham, yesterday. They were delighted with their Xmas parcels (Belgian chocolates this year) and touched by our appreciation. Tom rang to say someone had left a pannier bag behind - of course it was yours truly, having needed it to get the goodies to Cobham but not missing it till too late, once empty. I should reclaim it at Leatherhead next week.
Brian - just a thank you for keeping me in touch. I am very keen to join you all again one Wednesday - work and stuff has got in the way. I miss you all and will see you all again as soon as I can. With love, Dawn. We miss you too, Dawn.
18 'A' group left Cobham in brilliant sunshine, including Jake, Pete Matthews, Pete B, Steve, Rob, Irene, Grant, John M, John S, John D, Ed, Toni, Bob, Pam and Graham (apologies to those I've missed). Our route was Downside, Cobham Park Rd, Bookham Rd, Great Bookham Common, Little Bookham, Orestan Lane, Dirtham Road Effingham (the dogs were in evidence but did not attack), A246 short drop to Dene then steep climb on Crocknorth where it was necessary for Grant to walk due to fixed wheel. Thereon further climbing over White Down to descend to Rakes Lane and a little more climbing to Abinger Hatch. Lunch was very drawn out mainly due to booked Xmas lunches. It was a staggered departure (not due drink hopefully) with the last group heading home via White Down, a little bit different to that planned. Ray
Good to see you out on our gentle ride Brian. Roger was designated leader for this ride from Cobham but since Lynda had done us the honour to organise us a Christmas lunch at the Bell at Cheam I noticed he was riding shotgun! Unless I am mistaken, there was you and me, then Beryl, Dave, Bill, the aforementioned two at the front, Allan, Harold (who arrived via a different route) and Ron. I counted twelve at the start so apologies to the other two if they read this. Being on home ground Lynda took us over a bit of Fairmile Common and a few short stretches of off-road to Nonsuch Park and a great deal of urban residential area which I could never retrace. The weather was dry and not too cold and for most of the time there was brilliant sunshine. The meal was great with turkey and all the trimmings including crackers followed by coffee and mince pies. All most reasonable. I've paid more than that for a sandwich recently. Thanks Lynda. We had a pleasant tea at Squires Garden Centre at Long Ditton. I followed Dave to Hampton Court where after lighting up, I tried the towpath for a bit but found it tricky after dark and joined the Hurst Road at Ferry Lane. My new saddle was still comfy after over four hours riding and 37 miles but my Whisky Mack went down well! God bless and see you at Leatherhead. Albert
Olleh Brian
Monday, December 05, 2005
30th November 2005

Photograph, Ray Dare.
Hello Wayfarers and friends
Sorry to keep you waiting - I've been off-line with a dodgy modem. Sometimes I quite envy those who manage to get a life well away from computers. Apologies too, to those who print out these missives - I learn that the coloured ink is x-times as expensive as black. If this worries you, press reply and on the new page change the font colour back to black before printing.
A sizeable group consisting of Irene, Grant, Graham, Pete B, Pete M, John B, John S, Ed, Frank H, Frank P, Pam, Bob, Brian, Steve, Tony and Ray set out from Shepperton in a light drizzle, which thankfully soon cleared. After all the reported mishaps of the past week or two, everybody made it round the course in one piece, though Grant only made it as far as the first set of traffic lights after Walton Bridge before puncturing. Pete's B and M volunteered assistance, and they caught up the rest of us at the lunch stop. After Walton Bridge, we passed through Oatlands Park, then skirted Weybridge, before passing St Georges Hill, Brooklands and then Byfleet. Then it was under the M25 and out into the country past the picturesque Anchor pub on the Wey navigation. We saw the ruined Newark Priory at Pyrford, before turning off to Send down Papercourt Lane. A loop around Send saw us fetching up at the Saddlers Arms at Send Marsh, a friendly pub with a good range of ales. A quick burst after lunch took us through Ripley and on to our tea stop at Seymour's at Cobham. Brian, Steve and I went back via Leatherhead. I made it home at lighting up time, just before 4pm, which was just as well as I'd come out without lights. Rob
A round dozen of us made quite a late start from Shepperton and almost immediately encountered some drizzle. Fortunately it soon cleared up as we headed for Chertsey Bridge and then routed along the river to Staines. The river was very smooth calm and soothing. The mood was soon changed by the hassle and bustle of Staines as we scrambled through the town and over the bridge then straight ahead on the B3376. We crossed the M25 to Stroud Road and then along the quiet Hurst Lane to The Rose and Crown at Thorpe Green. Dodgy looking cyclists in the other bar, on closer inspection turned out to be our 'C' group. We exchanged fraternal banter and remounted to progress through Thorshort ride, too short for Les who decided to press on. At least we beat the crowds and enjoyed a convivial lunch with reasonable service. We observed some pe, Coldharbour Lane, Mixham's Lane and then Riverside and the bridle path to Chertsey. We crossed Chertsey Mead to Weybridge where Terry and John M peeled off and we went riverside to Walton Day Centre for tea. OK but oh dear, no cakes! We discussed the topic of the day ie pensions and decided that we were all very wise to be born when we were and consequently retire when we did, if that makes sense! After tea Jill made off to Weybridge and the closing sale at the lamented Beales while Judy, Norman, Cliff, Bernard, John and myself with Mary continued along the tow path to Hampton Court bridge before going our various ways in the dusk. Mike & Mary Pontin
Weather very cold and overcast but no wind. A pretty good turnout nevertheless at Shepperton. Nice to see Fuzz who, though he did not intend to ride out, had looked us up once more. Six of us, me, Dennis, Roger, Lynda, Beryl and Helga took the long way round via Staines bridge and Egham Hythe to lunch at The Rose and Crown on Thorpe Green. Being my turn to `lead` I had checked the `interesting` routes the previous week and decided they were too dicey with the inclement weather, so we stayed on the tarmac. I still managed to turn the wrong way up Coldharbour Lane but after a quick 180 not too much time was lost. As usual the beer and food were excellent (also checked last week!). A quick run back through Chertsey saw us back at Shepperton for tea. Regards Albert
Hi Brian I regret that I am unable to ride with the Wayfarers for the time being. My swollen right leg has now been diagnosed as DVT. Regards Nev
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Nev - we hope to see you early in 2006.
It's Christmas gift time for Hazel, Thelma and Joyce at Cobham on Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Olleh Brian
Thursday, December 01, 2005
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