Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The CTC Conversion to Charity - Outcome of Vote

The CTC - born 1878 - died 2011
Dear All,

At the CTC AGM last Saturday, the outcome of the vote on the changes to the CTC Memorandum and Articles of Association was a large majority in favour of the motion. This means that the CTC will be proceeding with arrangements to convert the CTC into a full charity.

Although the voting took place last Saturday at the AGM the CTC has not released the full voting figures. They have said only that over 11,000 members voted, of whom 88.3% supported conversion.

Of this 11,000 I understand from other sources that 5,439 voted for the motion and 4,184 left the Chairman to decide for them. The Chairman held 1,212 proxy votes against the motion. Votes + proxies in the room were 72 for and 73 against. Bottom line seems to be:
  • For: 9,695
  • Against: 1,285
  • Abstentions: 206
This means that of an approximate membership of 62,000 (subject to amendment), 51,000 failed to vote - a turnout of about 18%.

Members across the country will now have to decide what their personal response is to this significant change to the CTC as a membership organisation for cyclists and what choices they have. I'm sure that we shall be considering those options.



mike morley said...

See my comment on SWLDA Blog!
I hope it's not the death of CTC after 133yrs in which case CTC Management & Council will have a lot to answer for.

Lisa said...

They already have a lot to answer for...!