Wednesday, April 06, 2016

CTC/CUK rebrand.

I thought it worth sharing this sad post from Helen Juden (wife of Chris) from the "Where should CTC be going" facebook page.

"Born, raised and married in the former Club I am very sad to see it's demise. I wish the charity well, but regret the destruction of everything that made the CTC special and the conversion from a membership organisation that carries out the will of the members, into a charity-business that serves only the director's interpretation of the charitable aims. We were warned by those who opposed the charity conversion, but didn't hear what they had to say because we couldn't believe anyone who knew the CTC would destroy it. We should have been fearful of those who did not know the CTC. A life lesson in active listening rather than hearing what you want to believe. I'm going to unfollow now, as this is just too painful."

No doubt those in the Cheam and Morden who were active in opposition to the Charity conversion will share Helen's angst

Paul Kelly

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