Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Norwesters 20th Sept

A good crowd put their names down for the ride to Windsor, a shortish ride due to the expected rain. 11's was at the Pheasantry,  which was actually closed due to the high winds. So sitting outside was fine as it was mild and not yet raining, albeit windy. A reasonably straight route to Lunch in anticipation of the impending rain. Through Hampton, Brenda B, left us just after Feltham, Ashford and back roads and off-road to Staines. Liz left us as we got to Staines,  she wanted to miss the rain, Wetherspoons is always a lifesaver. 

It wasn't raining when we left but it started just after Ashford and with a vengeance, Pam had gone straight home at Staines, Gill went her own way home, as had Dave and Jernny. Leaving Simon, leading, Pete B, Tony Hookrer and myself. Tony H and I left Simon and Pete at Feltham. A nice morning ride, marred by only by the wind and afternoon rain. A good day for ducks.


1 comment:

Brian Bent said...

Nice one Tony, will the Easy riders beat that ??