Thursday, December 26, 2024

An Invitation to a New Years Day Ride and Mince Pies

In an effort to revive/continue Ed Sharp and Peter Mitchell’s New Year’s Day tradition, Madeleine will lead a short from the Spring Tavern in Ewell to Richmond Park.

It will be a leisurely tootle in time to have coffee or just chat with anyone who cares to gather at Roehampton Gate around 11am.

We will then set back off to Epsom to Madeleine’s house for mince pies and a cuppa (KT19 8SJ).

For those who’d like to join at Ewell, we will meet at the Spring Tavern around 9.45, depending on numbers.

Please let Madeleine know if you’d like to join, and whether you are likely to come back to her house for a warm drink afterwards. A private message via WhatsApp is best: 07533673919

Anyone who would like to is invited to bring hot or cold chocolate for the ride - and/or snacks to add to the mince pies back at the house.

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