Sunday, December 22, 2024

New Year's Day Elevenses Meet 2024


Everyone from all SWLDA sections is welcome at the Cheam & Morden Section's traditional New Year's Day meet at Colicci Cafe, Roehampton Gate, Richmond Park on Weds 1 January.    Arrive at any time from early on until midday and you'll be in good company!    

Wednesday 'B' group riders who are interested in a possible ride starting from the Epsom/Ewell area to Richmond Park and back should contact Madeleine Shearer for further information.

Apart from that, no formal group rides to or from Richmond Park are currently planned but it's never too late to volunteer to lead an inbound, outbound, or round trip ride!   A lunch stop is not compulsory!

Seasons greetings in the meantime, and don't forget that the C & M don't stop for Christmas - we do have a ride planned for Sunday 29 December too!

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