What with lunch menu chaos and road closures, we had a lot to contend with yesterday however our two brand new sub-leaders, Brenda and Linda, rose wonderfully to the challenge. Faced with the Stonehill Rd closure by a sandwich-chomping workman, our two cool cucumbers led us on what was possibly a more scenic route than my original and got us to lunch virtually on time. Quite an achievement! Anyway, lets hear what they both had to say, and of course Francis who kindly led the middle group:
First away - Linda's group
We set off about 3 minutes late from New Haw having to leave poor Arwyn behind to fix his puncture. Maddie arrived just as we were about to leave and asked to join our Group, which she did as Arwyn wasn’t coming. In our group were myself, Julie B, Maddie, Bob P John A and Tim G. We progressed well until coming to a closed road not far from Foxhills Country Club, Stonehill Road. The chap on duty would not let us pass so we turned right to start a detour of about a mile to the right. Thanks to Julie's input we had the minimum disruption possible and later returned to the route. We made it to lunch at 12.20, good lunch in a nice accommodating pub. We left there about an hour or so later to go to Hampton Court.
We set off fine until we got to the closed road at the other side of Stonewall Road, a chap in a car gave us some guidance and we carried on past Fairoaks airport until we could join up to our route. Along one of the roads we did have to take evasive action as a huge red lorry tried to overtake us when there was little room to do so, fortunately we had heard or seen this coming so we all jumped into the greenery at the side of the road. I did not understand my komoot correctly on 2 occasions but it was easily remedied. We then carried on to Hampton Court over the bridge where we thought we were meant to go for tea, where we met Diane.
All my group were very helpful and understanding. Thank you.
Second group - Francis

And finally Brenda's group
This was my first sub lead and I used Komoot , am sure lots were wondering oh gosh we all know about Brenda and her battles with Komoot !
We met at New Haw community centre and due to various events I ended up with a small group of 4 merry bikers , Sue F ( reassuringly behind me all the way ), Fixie Dave and Steph W…
Within one minute of leading our little group successfully around the first corner I heard stop stop , we’ve lost one ! It was Steph who thought that Terry was with our group and went back to get him only to be told he wasn’t coming with us ! It gave us all a laugh !
Carried on and next obstacle was road resurfacing and a diversion which we had to navigate… this was done successfully and got us to lovely Red Lion pub for superb lunch , dinner already on table on arrival !
Our group gained Maggie and Paul for the ride back to tea at Hampton Court so our merry 4 became 6 ..
Had to work around similar road diversions on way back but I’m delighted to say Komoot behaved well for me and no mud or floods were encountered despite all the diversions !
Thoroughly enjoyed and thanks to my group for relaxed company to and fro
Brenda B
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