Saturday, March 08, 2025

Ride Invitation for A Group - 12th March

Our ride on Wednesday from New Haw Day Centre (KT15 3ET) is to the Good Intent at Puttenham (20 miles) and return to Cobham (another 20). All on road (though I may tweak the route to include a tarmac path).

Outward via Woking, Fox Corner and Tongham returning via Shackleford, Farncombe and my "Marmite" route avoiding Guildford centre - this climb to Warwicks Bench being the only "hill" according to my Garmin. 

We are required to preorder.

Good Intent menu 

Please email me by 5pm on Monday with your lunch order for a place. At present I don't have a subleader for a faster group so a volunteer would be welcome. 

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