Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rasaay News

The last 24 hours have been a haven of tranquillity as our young visitors departed for a night of character building under canvas at the north of the island. All were issued with compo rations but some may go hungry judging by the stuff left behind. In truth it's been pretty easy as they're public school chaps and chapesses.

We've restored the hostel (except naturally the dorms) to its normal state but it took quite a while. We've been walking most days and only managed short rides northwards to Brochel and southwards to Eyre. The "main" road features 11 arrows in 8 miles with winds averaging 20 mph and occasional spiteful showers so relaxing uses copious energy in short bursts. Hopefully the weather will improve, no doubt after the bank holiday.

Graham Hill

Rasaay Youth Hostel
Creachan Cottage, Raasay, Kyle

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