Dear All,
In the light of the voting papers that you will have just received, you may be interested to read the following letter of resignation from John Meudell, who represents members in SE England on the CTC National Council. I share his concerns.
Your District Committee opposes the proposed conversion of the CTC into a full charity. You can still oppose the conversion by voting against Motion 1 on the voting form. Do not forget to put your signature in box 2a (beneath your membership number) and put a X in the appropriate box for Motion 1 in section 3, headed Charity Vote - Direct your proxy how to vote. The other blank columns are for family members, who may wish to vote differently from you.
Don't forget to vote on Motions 2 - 9 on the back of the page - and don't throw it away!
Please contact me if you would like to discuss.
Comment to follow.
I have expressed my concern about this resignation. See comment on SWLDA Blog.
I agree with your comment on the DA blog, Mike, and I hope you have success in rooting out what is going wrong in detail. It is depressing that Councillors feel that they cannot hold the Club's management properly to account and believe they are being denied the information that they need.
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