It was a day of diminishing numbers. 13 of us started out from Merstham, viz Ed, Gillian, Francoise, Frank, Ian, John G, Pat, Peter, Tim, Stephanie and my good self. Merstham is a bit of hard work, over 250 metres of ascent. But off we went in warm sunshine. After 10 metres Frank felt tired so he broke his derailleur and Francoise and he caught the train home. We went due south through pleasant countryside on quiet roads which, judging by the debris on them had been rivers on Monday, through Bletchingley and Outwood to the Hedgehog just north of Copthorne. ( I was slightly put out that the postcode on my Bing map was the wrong side of the final junction). Lunch in the sunny garden was pleasant. By then we were down to 10, having lost Ed - I'm not sure how.

After lunch off we went again, still in pleasant sunshine. Ian deserted us. We went just to the south of Gatwick - why is it that the drivers in that part of the world drive so aggressively? Anyway we got to Dorking centre via Charlwood without mishap. Pat now also deserted us. the remaing few went to a nice little cafe - the Courtyard which was new to me, and again sat in the sunshine:
It had been about 40 miles from North Cheam, no serious hills, but quite a few undulations!
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