Friday, October 31, 2014

Birthday Greetings and appreciation

Three Score Years and Eleven +2

I think that we should express our appreciation to Mike Morley for revictualling us on Wednesday at Elleray Hall, Teddington with a worthy birthday offering. Arriving damp though not dispirited, I am sure that we were all more than grateful for the welcome that Mike had kindly arranged for us. I must confess my personal gratitude for the exquisite corned beef pie, that really took me back a year or two, particularly after denying myself a breakfast. Our thanks too to the staff of Elleray hall for preparing our mid-morn  banquet.

Perhaps we might also express our wonderment that Mike has managed to survive the slings and arrows ot three score years and eleven (+2) on roads that really were not designed for his outrageous, individual approach to challenging the limits of the Highway Code.

Happy birthday to Survivor Mike.


1 comment:

mike morley said...

Thank you Jeff a very kind thought! It was a pleasure for me to feed you all! Thanks to all the ladies for the peck on the cheek you make me feel so young! My only regret is that I was not on form enough to gather all the ladies together for a photo shoot with me in the middle. Thank you Jeff for being so king about my age alas it is 3 score years and 13! I must write and thank you note to Zoe1 & Zoe2 and all the staff, they did me proud and as you say the meat pie which I have never eaten B4 was amazing! MMHM