" Thanks for your message, very much appreciated.
Yes, it's been quite a saga over the last few days.
I was returning home through Leatherhead on Sunday afternoon, cycling back from Denbies.
I came to the roundabout by the 'Plough' and intended to cycle straight across towards Lower Ashtead. As soon as I was on the roundabout a car hit me on my right hand side and continued to turn left. The impact threw me into the air and I landed in the middle of the road with the bike on top of me.
It took me a while to come to my senses and fortunately two guys outside the pub came to my assistance, helped me to my feet and carried me over to a nearby bench.
I was shocked and dazed but at the time unaware of the injuries sustained. The driver did stop but as soon as he saw I was conscious drove away and was not seen again.
I decided at the time to try and get to Ashtead Station and then home from there. This proved to be a big mistake. As I walked along I was aware that my right arm felt very wet and as soon as I removed my glove blood poured out of the sleeve.
This prompted me to ring a friend for help and they came over in their car and took me to Epsom A&E. The doctors confirmed that I had a laserated arm and also an open fracture on the elbow that needed surgery.
Unfortunately they were unable to treat me at Epsom and I was eventually transferred to St Hellier's at 3am on Monday morning (10hrs later).
I eventually had the operation, in the afternoon, under a general anaesthetic where they removed fragments of broken bone, washed out the wound, stitched and bandaged me up.
I was kept in overnight and eventually discharged on Tuesday evening having been bombarded with painkillers and antibiotics.
I am now thankfully back at home feeling very stiff and sore. I feel as if I've done time in a concrete mixer ! Mobility is a particular challenge at present.
Although mechanically I am intact they have advised me to to avoid any form of strain or impact that may inhibit the healing process.
I am due to see the consultant again next week when they will assess my progress.
I am determined to get back to normal as soon as I can. Cycling and other activities have proved a lifeline for me since I retired and I have no intention to turn my back on them.
Thanks again for your kind enquiry. Please feel free to share any details with other members of our group.
I wish you and all the other wayfarer cyclists a happy Christmas and prosperous new year and I hope to be back on two wheels as soon as possible in 2017.
Very Best Wishes,
Tim G
This is shocking. The police should be pressed to investigate and follow up all video camera and witness evidence to identify and prosecute the criminal responsible for the hit and run crime.
OMG This is terrible news. I underline Jeff's comments. My very, very best wishes Tim for a quick recovery, Pam :) :)
Tim, I admire your strength of spirit and determination not to let this get you down, but this must be reported to the Police. Clearly a crime has been committed and for the safety of all this individual must be stopped. If you need any help from me please let me know.
Agree with all the above about the police.
One other thing we all need to be aware of ( and easier said than done in the aftermath of an accident ) is that we may be in shock and not fit to make the correct decision about whether to continue home. I mean absolutely no criticism of Tim in this regard - he is not alone. I know of at least two other instances where people have either continued ( in that case again to later find they had broken bones) or wanted to and been persuaded otherwise.
We have some words in the leaders guidelines but should try to take it to heart when riding solo.
Tim, I'm very sorry to read that. I agree with the above and hope you have a speedy recovery.
So sorry to hear your horrible news. I hope u have followed it up with the police. Enjoy a relaxed xmas and follow doctors orders. Hope u r not in too much discomfort.
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