It has occurred to me during an idle moment that cycling is a great exercise in mindfulness, as well as the physical side of it. So Wednesday's ride will
pretend to be a Mindfulness Ride. You can enjoy the sights and sounds of spring, luxuriate in the smells of the open countryside, taste the envy as you cycle past impossibly expensive houses, feel the potholes, and those new improved speed bumps in Eton, and marvel at the
complete absence of hills! (There will be a few hills, of course, but if the mindfulness is working well, you might not notice them.) We will cycle to The Pineapple, Dorney, itself a sensory experience, and if we can still ride after our lunch, we will return to Halliford for a very light tea. Chanting or mind-altering drugs are not required.
Are kaftans obligatory? If not can we wear flowers in our hair or decorate the bike for those of us that don't have to much hair?
Will it help if I put a copy of my ‘Einstein & the Art of Mindful Cycling - Achieving Balance in the Modern World’ by Ben Irving, in my jersey pocket?
Well after your comments about possibly going to Moneyrow Green I had been quite mindful of getting crapped on again. However since we're not I shall be totally chilled out.
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