Sunday, April 21, 2019

Looking for a good home - gratis

Altura Nightvision 3 Waterproof  Over trousers (Large)

When buying new cycle clothing do you know what size you are? I don't, though I think of myself as 'medium'. That is why I have a new pair of large Altura waterproof over-trousers that are a mile too big for me. When I wanted to buy them, the weather was feline and canine. All the local shops had sold out and they could not get new stock from Altura, so I couldn't try a pair on in-store. Some time later they were available online. I used the size guide and bought 'large'. Bad decision. My old ones were "M" and as excruciatingly tight as an intimate below-the waist tourniquet. I could hardly get my leg over the saddle without fainting. Not again, thank you. For their replacement I chose 'large' but should have chosen 'medium'. Hence I now have one pair of 'L' unused over-trousers looking for a long-legged fe/male (I hesitate to say bi-sexual; perhaps today's correct description is gender~ neutral, though that is not me) owner to cherish them and put them to good use..

Expressions of interest are therefore invited from any tall, broad-minded rider with long legs, looking for a pair of waterproof over-trousers to sport on those forthcoming long, cold summer rides.

Confidentiality guaranteed.


P.S.  I assume that you know how to contact me.

P.P.S. I have just realised that the correct term is 'unisex'.

1 comment:

Bernard Brindley said...

I couldn't remember how to post a blog. I saw Ian today and left a comment on a blog about Ian some time ago, so far back most won't spot it. Please would you be kind enough to draw attention to it?