Thursday, August 01, 2019

Easy Riders - 31st July

John B sent in this report with some details to add to Helen's account:

We were honoured to have "A" rider David Vine with us for the ride today but unfortunately he was immediately left behind to mend a puncture for new rider Terry O'Brien's tyre. We took the meandering route from Weybridge along the towpath to our lunch stop at the Wych Elm pub in Kingston where we've always found good food and a good welcome. David and Terry had managed to join us by then. Just as we were about to leave Helen found that her front wheel tyre had got a puncture so David was in action again - does he receive a puncture prize at the annual lunch? Five of us made our way around Kingston to New Malden where I led the others through a low tunnel under the railway line. This proved a little unnerving for the others but all had recovered by the time that we sat down at Woodies for tea and coffee. (NO CAKES! - Helen).

~ John

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