Friday, April 15, 2022

Report for A group ride 13 April

 20 A group Wayfarers met at St Martins, Dorking where reasonable coffee and home made bread pudding were on offer. Always a good start!

The weather promised to be warmer than of late which enticed a couple to dig out their shorts. Very brave I thought, although the stiff headwind on the way out did much to help me warm up.

Frances’ group was off first and here’s her report.

The weather was warm and sunny at the start point, where we were the first group off, Neil, Dave F, John B, Dave V (backmarker), Geoff and Keith.

I had the added benefit of two elite riders, Neil and Dave V who had just completed 300KM at the weekend so what's a few more KM's - amazing their resilience. We headed out of Dorking high Street, mainly along country roads through Rusper, Warnham where Janice's group caught up with us at the railway crossing.  On to Christ’s Hospital to arrive 24 miles later at the Tipsy Fox in Southwater for lunch. The pub was very welcoming and nice food all served pretty efficiently despite low staff numbers. 

Our return was via Barns Green, Itchingfield, a short sprint on the A29 before the undulating calm of Weare Street, then familiar route back through Henfold, last climb of Punchbowl  and onwards to Denbies to reach it by 4pm.  Here we split up with most of the group deciding it was time to get home. Good decision but disappointing for Dave F as Denbies was shut and no doubt a nice cup of tea and cake after 25 miles helps!  

Needless to say, a lovely group, helpful in marking corners, backmarking, calling me back when overshot turns (just to keep them on their toes). Thanks all and chapeau to the elite riders who clocked in excess of 75 miles roundtrip. 

Next off was Steve W’s group of Nigel, Simon, Mike, Richard , Neil W and Steve D. This was to be Steve’s first sub-lead and he had help on hand if needed from within his group. 

All went well on the navigation front but I understand that Nigel had some mechanical issues which the group tried to help resolve. 

The group chose to dine outdoors in the sunshine at the Tipsy Fox and again at Denbies where they found that although the main cafe was shut, the farm shop was open for cold drinks and snacks.

Finally it was time for my group of Fiona, Hans, Andy, Richard, Patrick and Dave W to head south, straight into the wind (so I was glad to receive Andy and Patrick’s help on the front at times). We made good progress and soon passed Nigel’s mechanical but as he had plenty of helpers already we carried on. 

At Warnham railway crossing we had a brief chat in the sunshine with Frances’ group and then continued on to Southwater. The service at the Tipsy Fox was friendly but it was a shame that their chef hadn’t turned up which led to long delays in some of us receiving our food.

After lunch the sun was out, as were the bluebells and the wind was behind us making for a lovely ride through W Sussex on lanes we don’t often use. There were no hills of note but nevertheless the feet of elevation racked up and we were glad to arrive at Denbies where 4 of us stopped for coffee and a flapjack.

My thanks to Frances and Steve for joining me on the recce and then subleading and to all who came on the ride, making it a great day out. 

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