Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Historical Curiosity


Here's one from the archives - the route used for our dearly loved Hilly 50 event in 1988!   I think this was a one-off and the first attempt at a route from Stuart Downie and Derek Monkhouse, who later originated the basis of what is used now.    Why not relive history and give it a go!   A triple chainset and cantilever brakes are all you'll need for the perfect look!

"Old Codger"


Ged Lawrenson said...

Any chance of the .GPS of this route Dave?😏

Mark G said...

That's a great thing, Dave. My Old Dawes would fill the bill, but it might be harder work than I would fancy

RaasayWarden said...

When Simon and al took over the website from me, I supplied him with Hilly 50 route sheets (pdf/doc), gpx (minimal, full, web page), finisher's certificate, etc. Some I also gave to Mike M in paper form

I've still have some dating from around 2006. All web pages won't work as they were developed using the Google Maps API. My licence expired years ago

Simon L said...

Dear Mr. Warden (or may I call you Raasay?), We must still have the old Hilly 50 route sheets etc filed away, as nothing was deleted, just in case!

Jeff said...

There is a link to the Hilly 50 on the Home Page under the Rides tab. This gives some useful links.


For some reason I can't insert a hyperlink.

Give it a try

Also I have some publicity flyeers etc.


Dave Vine said...

I'm well impressed with you finding this, Dave.

I've had a careful look and plotted it in gps format


Compared to the current H50 which we know and love it's about 1/2 mile shorter and 200ft flatter. You miss the delights of Whitedown, Sheephouse, Pitch Hill and Coldharbour in favour of Crocknorth. You also spend a lot of time going up and down Critten Lane, Hogden & High Barn which looks a bit boring, but you miss Logmore, which can only be good. On balance it's slightly easier than the current H50. Enjoy it if you feel the urge.

Ps The Real Hilly 50 will be Saturday April 22, if you enjoy the challenge together with the satisfaction of supporting St Raphael's Hospice.

Brian Bent said...

All those S.P.s had me puzzled for a while.bur I realise the first is sharp pin , and the rest is slow puncture !!!

Simon L said...

Dave, I think to properly compare the two routes, someone needs to do both (possibly one after the other?) and let us know how they compare. This would make a good "advanced" challenge ride for those who like that sort of thing. But not me, I'm afraid!

Dave Vine said...

Ok Simon, I'm up for the challenge, in support of St Raphael's of course, but I would be looking for sponsorship.