Friday, April 21, 2023

Report for B Group - 19th April

A rare lack of rain in the forecast made for a propitious start and indeed the mild temperatures made good cycling weather. We were however sometimes exposed to a chilly East wind. In view of the quite remote start, it was a pleasant surprise that 22 enthusiastic riders signed up for this ride. 3 couldn’t make it, so 19 were divided into 3 groups, I led the middle group.

The ride started from The Tanhouse Farm for an eastward loop through Horley, Smallfield, Outwood, Doversgreen and Brockham then heading North to Leatherhead. Most of the route was on quiet country roads with rolling hills and pleasant rural scenery. The only steeper climb was Scott’s Hill near Outwood with a 6.3% gradient. Just West of Outwood we passed the impressive looking St John the Baptist Church. All the route was on roads except a short stretch on Coach Lane after Brockham, but it was dry and mostly hard-packed.

Our lunch stop was after 19miles at The Beehive in Doversgreen. This had a good value menu with efficient service and no need to pre-order. In spite of our spacious reserved area inside, some opted to eat on the outside picnic tables with the good weather. 

After a further 12.5 miles, we went for afternoon refreshments at the Edward Tulney’s in Leatherhead, where some enjoyed desserts and the free refills.

Thanks to the experienced co-leaders John A and FixieDave, and the good company of my group, Steph, Diane, Sabina, Bernard, Alan and Chris. (Ken was also to come but had a problem with his e-bike.)

~ Robert Tolley

From John A:

The first group of Julie, Terry, Tim G, Bob, Francis and John set off at 10.30 into a strong breeze. The only advantage of a strong breeze is that when you turn a corner it seems so much easier to pedal! The weather was a delight, the Surrey countryside likewise, just such a pity that the road surfaces are so very poor.

It was a great day out and thank you to Robert who, despite being based thousands of miles away, was able to plot the route, arrange the lunch stop and organise us so well.

~ John

From FixieDave:

Ride Report for the last group on the road

Our pre-ride started with a group of seven, from Worcester Park, traversing about 19 miles to Tanhouse Farm, via a pleasant route along Newdigate Road.

We were the third to leave Tanhouse, with a departure time of 11am. Six cyclists made up our group, Anne, Christina, Lilian, Stephen, Tim C & Myself. Unfortunately our seventh member had builder-itis, so he was unable to join us.

A pleasant journey around the well planned course ensued. The ride flowed well.

Many thanks to the ride designer, also thanks to my fellow cyclists for making it a good day out. Inaugural ride planning by Robert "Coming over from Canada, to show us around Surrey's roads".(I've plagiarized this quote.)

~ Dave

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