Friday, February 16, 2024

A group ride invitation from Redhill 21st February

 I have planned a route from Redhill Methodist Hall 20 miles to lunch at The Star Rusper. I will need pre-orders for this. Menu The route climbs about 900 feet in all, out of Redhill and then south past Outwood and the windmill and then swinging west. We go past the site of Thunderfield Castle which no longer exists. However rather than being an actual castle it was a medieval manor house with two moats. The name Thunderfield was given to 3000 acres of common grass wetland which was used by locals to graze their pigs. The area is now Horley and its environs.

The return to tea at Leatherhead is 17 miles through Capel and Newdigate and 500 ft of climbing. I have booked the lunch time for 1 pm onwards which means we don't need to leave Redhill until 11.15 am onwards. This means we will have more time to travel to Redhill for those who have to ride from afar.

The weather forecast at the time of writing this is for light rain, wind and mild temperatures. I currently have no other leaders for this ride so if you would like to lead a group from GPX please let me know. If you would like to  join this ride please email me with your lunch order by 6 pm on Monday at . I will email you back with confirmation, group times and two GPX files of the routes there and to tea.

Steve D.

1 comment:

Simon L said...

I believe one of John Prescott's ancestors used to live at Thunderfield Castle. Sir Anton 'two moats' Prescott.