Sunday, April 14, 2024

Hilly 50k Saturday 13 April 2024 – Ride Report

For the 2024 H50 we had 43 riders, of which about a quarter were women, both figures being a continuation of the solid support for this most quirky of events.

Tim Morley brought a strong contingent of his friends to ride in memory of Mike Morley, his father and unforgettable Club member. They all departed by 8.30, doubtless rode strongly and would be finished early, to be greeted by the Morley family at the top of Box Hill.

This year we had made extra efforts to encourage other clubs to join the ride. So we had groups from Bella Velo, Wimbledon Windmilers, Kingston Phoenix, and Epsom CC.

In addition there were a few solo riders who had come through the CTC website, including one who had last week ridden the Paris-Roubaix sportive, and who commented on the toughness of our H50 course.We also had riders who had done the course a week ago, thanks guys for your support.

Great respect and thanks to Maggie, Terry, Maureen and Tim who all contributed to the success by greeting the starters and welcoming the finishers, not to mention guarding the cash collected. And to Paul, who courageously rode up Ranmore before concluding that a chest infection meant further climbing unwise, and returned to the start.

The “sensibly paced” group left on time at 10am. Initially we numbered an unwieldy 15, but faster riders sensibly peeled off to ride at their own pace, so we were soon 9, a well balanced group of new and experienced riders.

Logmore lane, once feared for its potholes is now beautifully surfaced, but remains narrow and winding with limited visibility. We were forcefully reminded of its hazards when we unexpectedly encountered a nervous horse, and while stopping one of our riders fell. Thankfully no injuries to any party, but a reminder of the caution required.

We enjoyed a mid-ride refreshments at the King’s Head Shop in Holmbury St Mary, but within half an hour it was time to get going.

Whitedown continues to capture riders’ imaginations as one of our toughest hills, but the challenge was compounded by stationary cars unable to pass one-another.

The wind asserted itself on the final climb of Box Hill, but we were soon at the NT Café, where Terry had waited and Christina had somehow managed to finish the ride and secure supplies of biscuits, buns and sausage rolls.  A welcome treat after a tough day.

Thanks to everyone who rode today and especially to Clive who backmarked in our group, Steph and Tim's M and C for photography, and everyone who helped keep the group together.

Finally, we raised almost £1,300 in support of St Raphael’s, so thanks to everyone who contributed so generously. The collection remains open for any late donations.

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