Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ride Report - the B ride 26th February

 Francis writes…

With my two skilled subbies, Tim G and Mick A, I was ready for 3 groups of 6-7 riders I was sure would sign up to enjoy the free-flowing route from Leatherhead toward Leigh and back.

As it turned out, rider holidays, illnesses and the prediction of bad weather, only 13 signed up in the end. Mick A stood down as subbie but volunteered to be my back-marker.

Come the morning, rain, rain and more rain culled the numbers down to 11 in the starting line-up, but soon enroute, 2 had second thoughts and headed for home and unfortunately another had a difficult puncture to repair on Punchbowl Lane and wisely headed to Dorking station and home.

The remaining 8 of us continued without mishap through the rain and wind for 20 miles via Henfold Lane, up Roothill and an interesting detour round Cudworth to Leigh for a hot lunch at the Plough, where we got served within 10-15 minutes. Such marvellous service.A cheery Maddie joined us to give moral support and have a pint, very kind of her.

                               Tim G sums up the morning ride experience pretty well!

Soon it was time to don our semi-dry clothing and to our surprise, we exited to bright sunshine and blue skies. The 12 miles back to Leatherhead for tea, went uneventful to Brockham then climbing back up to Punchbowl Lane the side when we are usually freewheeling down!

Post tea, the remaining 6 of us headed home in overhead black clouds and soon were pelted with hailstones followed with a marvellous double-rainbow, the icing on the cake for sure.

My thanks as usual to Tim G for sub-leading the second group, our two back-markers Mick A and Alan C for their sterling work all day. Also, all the intrepid riders, Tim G, Mick A, Julie B, Alan C, Alan I, Bob P and new rider trying us out, Guy D, for their perseverance in such changeable weather conditions. 

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