Friday, February 28, 2025

TriVets 2025 - Wayfarers this is your JFK moment

TriVets is a Cycling UK event organised every three years and open to all Cycling UK members nationally who are 50-years or older. CTC South West London are organising our event on Wednesday 18th June 2025. There will be 100mile, 100k (62mile) and 50k (31mile) rides. So please make a big red note in your diary!

The planning, organisation and running of the day is down to club members. This is a flagship event for us and to that end the organising committee need your help.  We need volunteers to recce the routes, lead on the day and with catering and admin. It will be a long day so even if you can help for just part of it we would be very grateful. 

We are delighted to confirm that our event HQ will be at Dorking Rugby Club in Brockham. More details of routes and timings to follow. 

Mick A has kindly agreed to be TriVet-in-Chief and if you are able to help with planning or on the day please let him  know as soon as possible.

So, don’t delay, let Mick know what you can do for your club….

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