It was with some trepidation that I was to lead a ride from Cobham as my fitness the previous Wednesday was questionable. Having altered a route we had done in 2022 I did a partial recce and found roadworks galore. After I settled the route, it was pointed out by Dave V, who offered to lead a group, that the Castle Road bridge in Epsom which led to the cycle path was still closed. A quick re-plot of the route 3 more times and sending out the wrong one, eventually I finished up with something workable.
So 20 wayfarers arrived at Cobham to start the ride. Andy C couldn't come, but a surprise arrival was Dave B who I had cycled with in the Over 40s club for some years. It was very good to see him and that he was still a fit, strong rider.
Everyone had the opportunity to benefit from Ged, who, celebrating his birthday kindly supplied drinks and cake at elevenses at the RBL.
Dave F left first with Dave W, Brian, Sue C Richard and Diane P.
Dave V left next with the second group and here is a few words from him.
Ride Report – Brockham Red Lion
There were 6 in my group. Simon W, Frances, David J; Jennie, Peter and Neil C. Steve’s
route had it all, offroad on a slightly gloopy Bookham Common, two sizeable climbs, some
nice gentle descents, and a pub we had not visited for several years, and of course
roadworks. We were lucky enough to pass through the latter on Little Bookham Lane,
having charmed the dumper truck driver into moving his truck.
The rest of the morning passed pleasantly in sunshine, with snowdrops a-plenty on
Flanchford Road. Both David and Frances left us before lunch to go their separate ways.
Lunch was served promptly and generously portioned in the red Lion’s marquee, where
temperatures varied from sauna to shivery.
A quick photo in the garden, overseen by some strange creatures was followed by a
warming dash for home. Neil helpfully dragged us along the A25 to Pixham. I trailed the
group led by Jennie up Box Hill. Simon carried us across Headley Common, after which
Peter signed off as ever watchful back marker on the descent from Headley to go
straight home. Thank you, Peter.
Four of us stopped for tea at the Old Moat, together with members of Dave F’s and
Steve's groups.
A grand ride in excellent weather. Roll on spring.
I had Patrick, Neil W, Clive, Dave B, Janice and Dave B in my group.
I rode out in front with Dave B having a chat about rides past. We crossed Ranmore,
down through Dorking and in the blink of an eye it seemed we were at the Red Lion Betchworth.
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