Hello Wayfarers and friends
Hi Brian I am having treatment for my neck and shoulder. The physiotherapist suggests I lay off cycling for a few weeks; I shall be taking her advice. I can keep in touch through your weekly emails; thanks for these. Happy Christmas - see you in the New Year. Mike Withers
Brian, please excuse me from leading for a while. The little op that caused my recent unavailability to lead was a biopsy and I got the result today. It's bad news in that the low grade Lymphoma I've had for 6 years has converted to a high-grade version. So I shall start chemo on 7 Dec, which will take 24 weeks followed by a bone marrow transplant. I hope to be with you next week but how I shall feel after that I don't know. Regards Bernard
We all wish you well Bernard, and you too, Mike.
Pat and Bill Matthews tell me they wish to be relieved from leading so, all considered, we are down to too few 'B' group leaders - volunteers would be much appreciated.
I had a call fro Tom Fish on Saturday and on Sunday he missed the SWLDA AGM, which was probably the gist of his call. As joint vice president, he rarely misses AGM, so he must be under the weather and would love a call from his Wayfarers friends.
We had a record turnout of 'A' & 'B' groups plus Eric at The Arches Coffee Shop Redhill yesterday, welcoming Mike Morley (see pen-picture in current Sou'Wester) and welcoming back Steve Cox (absent lately). Eric passed round a SWLDA members list from 1992 and it was remarkable how few names are still on board.
On Tuesday, Bob, Will and I on our regular MTB ride, going through Sutton Recreation Ground, met six others coming the opposite way, led by our own Godfrey Potter.
This, we learnt, is also a regular MTB fixture, started by the late lamented Tom Fiddemore and we duly turned tail and joined them for a splendid ride through the woods to Cobham and on to Weybridge in steadily improving weather, enjoying the British Volunteer's hospitality before a Thames towpath return. We split and four of us called on Ed and were treated to tea and his lovely homemade cake. I mention all this as it led to the aforementioned Mike and Steve joining us at Redhill yesterday and we shall again be a united MTB group for an urban ride next Tuesday, from St Barnabas Road Sutton at 10am.
Hi Brian, After saying, 'Hi' then 'Bye', to A + B groups at North Cheam; Judy & I made our way to Weybridge. We went via Briarwood, Aureole Park, and Tamesis Gardens to Malden Manor station, crossed the Hogsmill to Tolworth, and passed Long Ditton to Hampton Court, then the towpath to Weybridge. I had had a phone call from Albert, saying he went out Monday on his bike, had a tumble and was knocked unconscious and wouldn't be coming out today. Fuzz, Derek and Geoff A. were at the Day Centre. Fuzz getting to be quite a regular again and Geoff, who is nearing his move, made their way home after 11's. Derek went his own way for lunch and Dave led the rest of us, Beryl, Ron W., John G., Judy, Dennis, Alan and myself to Ripley. We went towards Addlestone via Poets Corner, and then we went over a bridge with glass doors, passed Row Town, New Haw and West Byfleet. The sun was trying to come through now and passing through Pyrford was very scenic. Four of us had a nice hot lunch at Watson's and the sandwich brigade went to the Day Centre. Cobham was our afternoon stop; where we passed a very pleasant teatime with Maria, the Centre Assistant there. A long-standing joke came about when Maria said she had lost weight, so Ron retrieved from his saddlebag a tape measure. Measurements were taken; it seems this had been done a previous time, when I wasn't there. The outcome was correct. Albert - you will have to ask Ron W. for more details! After tea and muffins we made our own way home. I went thro' a very eerie Nonsuch Park, round about 5pm. I passed a couple of dog walkers and could hear the sound of hooting owls. I was very pleased to get to the other side and see some lights. Then I was off to Cannons to pass a nice, relaxing time in the Jacuzzi and sauna. I entered 47 miles on the Fitlinx machine. Let's hope it doesn't snow too much before next week. Bye for now, Lynda.
Ed led 'A' group, comprising Mike M, Grant, Toni, Pete B, Brian, Pete M, daughter Jake, daughter-in-law Jen (lunch only), John D, Ray D, Jeremy, Rob and Bob on a spirited ride to Dormansland, where The Old House at Home once again did us proud. Being the year's bleakest day, we skipped tea and headed home via Bletchingley having covered around 60 miles from Ewell.
Norman led 'B' group and their destination was Outwood, but no more details are yet to hand. A call en-route from Terry to say that John Mason had been returned home before reaching Redhill leaves us hoping you are OK John. As for Albert, read on…….
Thanks for your kind wishes Brian. Sorry I was not quite up to yesterday's ride but now I have healed up well and am taking my usual nourishment, I should see you next week at Shepperton, hoping to lead a modest ride without snow-chains! All the best Albert
Olleh Brian