Spelthorne Council - No Cycling on Footpath beside Shepperton Greeno Day Centre

I have been contacted by Spelthorne Council, to say that they have received many complaints from local residents about cyclists using the footpath from Manygate Lane, beside the allotments and playing fields, to get to the the Greeno Day Centre. That must be the Wayfarers - including me!
I have said that I would bring the Council's concern and that of the residents, to the attention of our members. May I therefore ask that, if using the footpath to visit the Greeno, you dismount and walk along that section of footpath. The alternative is of course to access the Centre via Glebeland Gardens. I am sure that we will all wish to retain the goodwill of the Council in our continuing use of their Day Centres, as well as set a good CTC example by respecting the relevant cycling by-laws.
I have put a couple of snips above to highlight the footpath in question.
I will ask Colin Quemby to include this request in the next issue of the Sou'Wester, but would be grateful if you would please bring this matter to the attention to all members that you know , who do not have a computer or access to the internet.
Many thanks,
Grove Road & through the small park is the way i go in
Thanks Pete. I don't know that way. Is that the path beside the Shepperton Pre-School playing field? Is that a cycle path?
No, it's a footpath too.
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