Friday, March 10, 2023

A ride report 8 March

With International Women’s Day falling on a Wednesday we had 3 ladies lined up to lead a ride through Surrey hills and lanes to Warnham. 

As the day drew near the worsening forecast led to the ride being scaled back to a shorter mostly main road route to Ripley. 

Early on the day itself a peek out the window showed fairly deep snow lying on the ground and a 7am trip to the station showed that the roads were hazardous even in a car. With some reluctance (and probably to the relief of most) I therefore cancelled the ride. 

Patrick posted a photo of himself on the what’s app group as he’d decided to brave the elements. 

I had a relaxed lunch in my local pub where to my astonishment Helen Tovey and 4 other ‘Easy’ riders walked in looking very wet but exhilarated! Hats (or helmets) off to you not so easy riders! 

1 comment:

Ged Lawrenson said...

Well done Helen - and the hardy Easy Riders. International Women's Day ride sorted!