Thursday, March 30, 2023

Ride report: A Group 29 March 2023 from Effingham


My ride recce at the same time the previous Wednesday had highlighted a couple of potential problems. A very busy and slow service at the Vines café Effingham and a very good but too leisurely lunch stop at the Punchbowl.

So to avoid potential delays, I checked if the Vines were capable of hosting us which resulted in the 35 rider B group being relocated to Laylas, and the Punchbowl food being pre-ordered and pre-prepared (with a firm commitment to reimburse for any no shows). Unfortunately, I couldn’t do anything to flatten the hills, they were even bigger than last week it seemed.

Having planned for the typical 3 groups of 6 to 8, only 15 riders including leaders signed up for this adventure. So 3 groups became 2.

As it transpired the Vines was considerably quieter than last week, riders arrived in good time and service was good. So a prompt departure was on the cards. Simon suffered a puncture (very considerately) on route to Effingham.  So we forgave him for not arriving 35 mins before planned departure and gave him a chance to have his coffee. That released Ged's red team to get away first rather than the originally planned second. Ged reports:

“We left the Vines 10 minutes ahead of schedule. After passing Tim Court's B group in the heavy mist of Green Dene, the Punchbowl was reached on Dave F's predicted time (departure time adjusted). Real fires were much appreciated after a damp morning - as was the excellent service. My phone failed for the normal pub group photo, so a back-up was taken at the traditional Weare St. duck pond stop. The Teddington trio pressed-on at Ashtead leaving Neil, Partrick and myself for tea, and waiting for the Blues to arrive. Thanks to Fiona for diligent backmarking and to Dave F for re-running a half-forgotten hilly route.”

My blues followed shortly after. After much grunting and groaning up High Barn lane, a bit like gorillas in the mist, we sped down Crocknorth, emerging into Green Dene for our second climb of the morning. Green Dene and Coombe Lane were awash with Wayfarers it seemed as we passed both Dave J's group and Tim's before our routes parted company on the A 25. Our third big climb from Albury followed before we eventually emerged onto some faster, flatter tarmac between Stroud Common and Okewood Hill. Lunch was generous, good value and served very efficiently and even Patrick could not face seconds. So both groups departed after a comfortable 60 minute stop, but most were starting to feel a tad chilly.

Janice kindly offered to take a group photo outside, but tradition was brushed aside for expediency and thankfully Ged had already captured us inside. 

Dave W had departed early at lunch and Pete B ventured off slightly early to do some early Christmas shopping with an optimistic promise we would meet up on route later. It seems, like Paddington and the late Queen, he is a lover of marmalade sandwiches, especially tangerine, and there was an excellent supplier we would ride past.

After the ascent of the lovely Weare Street, it was a very familiar trudge back through Capel, Newdigate and Punchbowl Lane Dorking. We paused at Burford Bridge for a water break and a Blues late tactical substitution. Our goalkeeper and striker swapped positions and Brian’s fresher legs led the final assault of “Little Switzerland” where we were happily reunited with Pete B, before a welcome decent from Headley to Ashtead Park. Many thanks to Ged and Brian for being subleaders and to my splendid team of largely high mileage riders for very cheerfully tolerating my more moderate lower mileage pace.

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