Sunday, June 18, 2023

Dieppe Raid – Travel to Newhaven

I intend cycling to Newhaven on Friday 23rd. If you would like to join me, the time-honoured route is here:

The gpx starts in Dorking, but I suggest we meet in Tanhouse Farm, as in previous years. The ferry departs at 17.00 and we must be there by 15.30. So I suggest departing Tanhouse at 10.30.

The Cock Inn at Wivelsfield is our traditional lunch spot, menu here. I have made a provisional booking, but they have asked for notice by pre-booking food. So please look at the menu and let me know your choice by email to by Monday 19th pm.

Please let me know if you are coming and I look forward to seeing you at Tanhouse on Friday.

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