Thursday, August 24, 2023

A Group Ride Report - Wayfarers Picnic Wed 23rd August – CTC SWL 75th Birthday Celebration

Firstly many thanks for all who helped to make yesterday’s Annual Picnic and 75th Anniversary a roaring success. Particular thanks to Jennie, Gina and Francis for their unstinting efforts in the pavilion.

Not forgetting Maggie Gladwyn for baking us a magnificent Cake which all enjoyed; it looked spectacular, tasted great, and there was plenty for everyone.


For the rides from Leatherhead, we had 23 signed up, in two groups. Fiona’s group left second but arrived first, so here is her story.

All eleven of us set off from Leatherhead, bright blue skies, sunglasses and short sleeved tops.
We had a lovely ride along familiar lanes, slightly confused when we were turning left to head towards Brockham for lunch and we saw the B’s heading off in the opposite direction. Not to be deterred we continued on and arrived in time for a picnic in the sun, freshly made cups of tea, a beautiful cake and the group photo.

After lunch we stopped for a group photo above Denbies before heading home, unfortunately loosing Dave Ellis who headed off down Critten Lane. We all went down Crocknorth and rejoined Dave in Cobham at Gail’s.


Also thank you to everyone who helped in organising the picnic etc. Thank you to my group and especially Dave B for back marking.

My group of 12 set off first. One big climb out of Leatherhead towards Headley before descending Little Switzerland. I had planned the route to climb Punchbowl Lane, but nobody complained when that proved impassible on recce (and will be until Jan ’24) and we did the Coach Road gravel instead.

A gentle spin through the lanes took us to Brockham and the picnic.

We were educated by Colin Quemby’s eyewitness reminiscences of the vote in 1948 which led to the South West London CTC formation, and entertained by his cake-cutting skills. Peter Cornish as official photographer spent his time looking for interesting faces with stories to tell. Tom Page, our principal contact at CTC HQ presented us with a certificate of achievement. But above all it was an opportunity to meet up with friends for a relaxed lunch in the sun. 

Too soon it was time to depart after all had helped with a bit of clearing up. My group was depleted by folk who elected to ride home direct, including Mark Gladwyn who explored the familiar and unfamiliar roads to Farthing Down, site of the 1948 vote and much interesting history, see his separate ride report. My afternoon group was augmented by Ged Lawrenson who had arrived at lunchtime, and by Paula. There was only one climb, up the Denbies road, but thankfully the road train was operating so the gates were open and the views unmatched.


Thereafter it was mostly downhill to tea in Cobham. However Dave F, Brian and Clive left us at the top of Whitedown, having an urgent recce to complete for next week’s ride. Sometimes ride leaders never seem to rest.

Paula left us at Cobham, and we were just in time at Gail’s to see Richard Bailey, the last of Fiona’s group, depart.

Thanks to Mike Barrett and Ged for am/pm back marking, and to Simon for middle marking as we were such a big group.

Thanks to Neil Crocker whose 2021 route I adapted for yesterday. We were encouraged to receive a text from him just after lunch telling us he was shortly to complete Paris Brest Paris. Many congratulations Neil.

PS many more photos to follow, once Peter Cornish has sorted them out.

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