Friday, August 25, 2023

Wisley/Elm Corner A3 bridge ( + Muddy Lane)

 Info for those who use the A3 footbridge at Wisley or plan to lead rides that way.

The footbridge from Wisley Lane to Elm Corner (and Wisley Airfield) will be closed completely over the weekend of 30th September to 2nd October in order to install the beams on the new Wisley Lane bridge over the A3.

The new bridge crosses the south ( Elm Corner) ramp and would leave minimal clearance.  Therefore the ramp will be removed that weekend and replaced with steps. I haven't seen the drawing but it will undoubtedly make it more difficult/stenuous to cross the bridge with a bike. It will remain like this until the new Wisley Lane access road from Ockham Park roundabout is completed.

Other news in the same area:

Muddy Lane: It seems that in spite of its designation as a bridleway there are still regular attempts to obstruct Muddy Lane. This is now in the hands of the Surrey CC Rights of Way enforcement team. The kissing gate at the Wisley Lane end which was regularly obstructed has been removed by SCC but other obstructions have occurred. 

If you come across an obstruction I suggest you photograph it. I have the email address of the RoW officer. 

The good news is that this is no longer just an issue being pushed by a small cycling group in Elmbridge. The RHS now regard Muddy Lane as an essential part of their long term plans for sustainable access to Wisley Gardens from the Byfleet area and are providing support to ensure that the issue is resolved.

Elm Lane/Hatch Lane: the very muddy section from the properties at Elm Corner to Old Lane is being upgraded to provide vehicular access to Elm Corner so that the A3 access can be closed. It should be finished by the end of October thereby creating a route avoiding Wisley airfield - though there will still be those steps to negotiate if you want to get over the bridge to Wisley.

1 comment:

Simon L said...

Thanks for the update Brian