Friday, December 01, 2023

Invite to 'A' Group ride 6th Dec from Cobham

This will be our "2023 farewell to the North Downs" ride. The distance to lunch at the Royal Oak Holmbury is just over 16 miles, but the climbs up Critten, Abinger and past Leith Hill will mean a slow overall pace. After lunch are a few lanes with small climbs ending at Leatherhead after another 12.5 miles. Total elevation is about 1900ft, in 28.5 miles.  

As I only stepped in to lead the week before last I could see the weather forecast for the 6th. One part of the forecast has stayed consistent: the temp is due to be 6C, so the roads should be frost and ice free. I had intended to use Tanhurst but when I reccied yesterday (Thurs) it was half road and half stream, and its carpet of leaf debris was a risk. So the route continues beyond to Ockley Road instead.   

This will be a fair workout leaving you ready for a fine lunch at the Royal Oak. 

We aren't pre-ordering, but here is the menu anyway..  Lunch Menu

Please request to join by email to by 6pm Monday. 

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