Thursday, June 06, 2024

A group ride 5 June

Late Sunday afternoon I thought I’d look at the blog for details of Wednesday's ride so that I could sign up for it. How strange I thought, nothing has been posted. Then it dawned on me, I was the ride leader. 

A look through my past rides from Cobham for a route, a phone call to The Scarlett Arms in Walliswood, a look at cafes for the return leg and a plea for 2 subleaders all met with success and so I was able to post the invitation on the blog.

With a dry, albeit cool, day forecast there were 24 of us keen to ride into the Surrey Hills. 

Dave V was due to lead the first group but as he was unwell (I hope you’re feeling better now Dave) Neil C kindly stepped in. 

My group left 15 minutes later and without rushing were soon travelling up Shere Rd for the first of a few pre lunch climbs. We went through Shere and the pretty Farley Green, Winterfold and onto the descent into Cranleigh where we stopped for a re-grouping as Ged’s chain had come off. 22 miles later we arrived at The Scarlett Arms in Walliswood at more or less the same time as the other 2 groups, despite us leaving 15 minutes apart. Nevertheless, we were served great sandwiches at lightning speed. 

After lunch we made our way towards Epsom via Rusper but unfortunately Frances punctured and despite the best efforts of herself, Steve D and Richard it took almost an hour to get back on the road. GP5000 tyres were impossibly difficult to take off and put on the tubeless ready rims and after a battle the first tube immediately deflated due to a dodgy valve. Running out of replacement inner tubes, a passing B group came to the rescue and Bernard offered  a slime filled tube.

We were on our way again but unfortunately would miss the 4.30 cut off time for the Alexandra Park cafe so we stopped at Charlie & Gingers in Leatherhead. 

Thanks to my group for your good company and Steve D in particular for back marking. 

Apologies for justifying errors in the first paragraph, the placement of photos at the top rather than where I want them and the size of the text in Fiona’s report. All refuse to be corrected within a reasonable time frame when typing this up on my phone. 

Here’s Fiona’s report from her group which left next.

An enjoyable ride through the Surrey Hills. Although there was a cold wind it remained dry with the sun making regular appearances.

We headed off to Cranleigh via Shere and the long descent down Alderbrook Road. Out the far side of Cranleigh to Walliswood and the Scarlett Arms. Despite all 3 groups arriving at the same time they produced the lunch very quickly.
Our return journey through Newdigate and Leatherhead brought us to Epsom and the Park View Cafe in the Alexandra Recreation Ground, where we got a warm welcome and homemade cakes.
Thank you for the company of my group, Dave for back marking and Janice for a lovely scenic route

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