Thursday, June 20, 2024

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY - calling members with IT skills up their sleeve to apply for this vital role!

We are looking for an enthusiastic person with a basic level of IT knowledge to join the committee as Membership Secretary (MS). The role includes collecting subscriptions and ensuring that we are complying  with all data protection legislation. A full role description can be found here. As well as the dry IT stuff the role is a great way to meet new members and welcome them to the club. The new MS will  be fully supported by the Committee and Reps/helpers from each group (A’s, B’s and Easy Riders). The job description may sound a little daunting however the bulk of the work is done once a year when most of the subs are collected and data is managed and archived.

Current members of the committee will provide a full handover and support any candidate with necessary teaching they may require to fulfil the role. We will also be more than happy to discuss the role over an informal chat if you are tempted but would like more information. Please drop me an email if you are interested.

With best wishes



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