Thursday, June 20, 2024

The B Groups Ride to Osterley 19th June 2024


On Wednesday the 19th, we were blessed with some brilliant weather to cycle in. Eighteen of us met at the Ferry Café at Shepperton lock for a gentle ride taking in the west of London parks. We set off early at 10.30 to get to the pub at Osterley by around 12.45, followed by the other 2 groups at 10.40 and 10.50. Tony Hopkins led the first group away consisting of Pam, Liz, Gill, John and Karl. This was followed by Arwyn’s group, consisting of Sabina, Bernard, Davey, Christina, Tony Hooker, Ian and a late starter Geoff who met up with them at Bushy Park. And finally, by Ray’s group consisting of Tim, Paul, Anne, Ann and Colin. The route took us through Hampton, Bushy Park, across the river at Teddington Lock, through to Ham gate and Richmond Park. 

The wild life up close in Bushy Park

We then left the park at Sheen Gate, crossed the river Thames via Chiswick Bridge then onto the cycle paths of Brentford. Unfortunately, the cycle ways are still allegedly under construction, that meant negotiating some street furniture to keep off the main road and then on to Osterley.

Arwyn's Group enjoying the delights of Bushy Park

Ray’s Group in Richmond Park

On reaching the pub, our preordered food was ready for us and quickly consumed. We then spent some time chatting before starting on our way back to Hampton Court. Our route this time was through Osterley Park, down London Road to Syon Park, Isleworth, St Margarets, Twickenham, Bushy Park and onto Dish at Hampton Court.

The ride was very enjoyable due to the excellent weather, the great company and the relatively traffic free roads that we encountered. Arwyn did a great job of sub-leading his first ride and a big thank you to Tony Hopkins for helping me out by sub-leading. Just in case I forget, thank you also to John, Davey and Tim for back marking the groups.

Ray Y 

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