Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Christmas to one and all!

Thanks to Rob for leading the "A" group we made it to W'Spoon Epsom for some Yew ell Tide Beer. Jeff and I finished off at the Chequers in Walton le Hill by which time it was raining, hence the shower cap Jeff was wearing!
As for me on arriving home I placed another Christmas card on the mantelpiece and noticed the HO! Ho! Ho! theme especially from Irene next to one from Texas and a Robin from Ed.
The one in the middle puts me in a diddle, it came from down under and looks like a blunder, me and Barbara on Tandem no way, she's too old for that and prefers rolling in hay!! Ho Ho Ho!

HAVE A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A MERRY NEW YEAR go steady on drinking and gentle on beer! See you all in the NEW YEAR!
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1 comment:

Jeff said...

Now you can see why I prefer to be behind the camera!
