Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Easy Riders May 5th (more)

The wonderful thing about the easy riders is their ability to reappear after being dropped some way back. Albert was left for dead on Burhill golf course but miraculously reappeared in time to order his lunch with the rest of us, as Ron said, we'd have to shoot him to keep him down. Beryl and Fuzz disappeared off the back on the way to tea only to reappear half a mile IN FRONT of us with some excuse about a chain falling off and a secret route of their own! Tea at the Duke of Orleans house was very pleasant, it is open till 5 on Wednesdays. Steph
PS Lynda and Sonia did a bit of appearing and disappearing via text messages, apparently they did get to Sunbury but I picked up their message too late to join up with them.

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