Wednesday, February 20, 2013

B Ride - 20 February

Trials and Tribulations of a B Leader

Having been asked to lead a B ride , I had planned out a gentle ride through the lanes to Leatherhead, to be followed by a shorter but more strenuous run across to the newly discovered Silver Spoon at Tattenham Corner.

Alas it was not to be! Some 17 left Teddington and cut through Bushy Park to Hampton Court. Crossing the Mole via Summer Road and that sinking feeling of a rear wheel puncture. Offending flint removed and inner tube replaced it was swiftly on our way. One mile later and that sinking feeling again. Realizing this to be an 'I may be some time' moment I asked Terry if he would take the rest forward to Leatherhead with a view to catching up later, I stayed to tackle the problem with a spare tube kindly loaned by Bob. Search as I may I could not find the root cause of my woes. Eventually, by taking the tyre off and turning it inside out, I found a small thorn entered at an angle that couldn't be felt from the inside. Hurrah! Time to use Bob's tube and meet up with the rest. Except Bob's tube was of no use. Months of bobbing around in the bag had caused the seam to chaff and split (tip - always wrap your spare in an old flannel secured by one of those postie's red rubber bands). So I'm afraid it was straight home for me with a slow puncture and a few stops for use of the pump.

So, thanks to Terry for stepping into the breach and I hope the other 16 had a better day than I did. Still I was back in good time to watch the World Championships on the Red Button, so all was not lost.


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