Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Easy Riders - 12th April

Walton D. C. - Marquis of Granby (Scilly Isles)

Well the weather turned out much better than forecast but the wind did get up by the afternoon.  We were 11 in total who left the day centre to ride to Walton Bridge turning down under before the bridge to ride alongside the river on Cowie Sale towards Weybridge. Unfortunately Bernard Brindley had new cleats and peddles which didn’t release quick enough and he went a cropper just as we reached Cowie Sale luckily nothing was coming so with a bloodied knee the cavalry sorted everything out Terry having the right size alan key to adjust the peddle.

We proceeded along Cowie Sale turning right into Portmore Park Road and onto the roundabout in Weybridge, we went straight over to Church Lane into the ally, at the bottom we turned left then right to Princes Road; a right and left took us to Oatlands Avenue and into Burwood Park and Onslow Road. Left at the bottom to A244, Esher Road where I decided not to go up Lammas Lane but turn left at bottom in Riverside Drive through the little pedestrian gate and up to Wayneflete Tower Avenue (not a good choice, I came down it with the “Bs” years ago much better down than up) then up to the Brown Bear where we turned left into Esher Park Estate, left Hare Lane left Oaken Lane over railway bridge left to Littleworth Common which was tinder dry and onto lunch.

We were told we might have to wait anything up to an hour but sitting outside in the sunshine we didn’t mind but lunch was all served in ½ a hour so we all left after being there for only 1 hour.

Thank you John Bellamy for being my TEC, a grand job and didn’t lose anyone, and thank you all for such a good day.

~ Irene

1 comment:

Helen Tovey said...

Very enjoyable ride on a beautiful day, thank you Irene!