Friday, April 14, 2017

Using a mobile phone to navigate

Quite some time ago I wrote a couple of articles about using a mobile phone for navigation. What I have written is starting to age but does for the most part still seem relevant. My experience is limited to Android phones with just a couple of references to iPhones. I don't know if Microsoft phones are in the game.

For a general overview see the article:
GPS Navigation by Phone

For an article about using 'Mapas de EspaƱa' see this:
GPS Navigation in Spain

~ Tim

1 comment:

Dave Vine said...

An excellent report Tim. As a Garmin user I was disappointed to find my screen freezing mid-ride on Saturday, and refusing to unfreeze until the battery was almost flat some hours later. Luckily I use Ride with GPS on my phone as backup, so I could record the ride, and a paper map to get me home.