Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Mike's contribution to the Birthday Rides

It was great to see so many from the MWW & C&M although I do not have a full list of names but it did include Shirley and Collin officiating with the signing on and CTC club shirt sales. Overall I think it was a good week, despite some heavy rain. I have no doubt Jeff T will be looking for a write -up from some one, any volunteers? Regrettably I was not able to get a good group shot as rides were very diverse!
I did manage some good buildings photo's which I will reserve for our annual competition but meanwhile hear is my offering for today.
Photo 1 is Peter Southworth from South Bucks, with bike prepared for the Tour of Britain next month. Second is my usual self looking very happy with a charming maid from pub lunch dressed in very fetching Pajamas!

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