Thursday, September 28, 2017

Clive Oxx

Greetings from Clive Oxx. For those that do not know him he was for many years a CTC Councillor and editor of the Wayfarer for many years. I took the opportunity of visiting Clive at his sheltered accommodation in Reigate. Sadly he no longer cycles but has retained his Brompton for old time sake! While visiting him I noticed a framed picture on his wall and took a photograph, see below. It is a fabricated London Evening Standard article by the locals in Carshalton lamenting his departure to Reigate. Clive was very much involved in creating the Wandle trail and instrumental in getting the industrial pollution cleared from the river. On his departure a party was held at the local pub.
While visiting Clive his son Johnathon called to say that he was running late so I was not able to meet him. He is the brother of Sonia.
Clive is very proud of the fact that Johnathon has created a new scheme for training young cyclist which has taken off in a big way and he actually makes a living out of it. I will try and get hold of the website and publish.

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