Sunday, December 05, 2021

Wayfarers' Christmas Lunches

I’m sure everyone is looking forward to our Wayfarers’ Christmas Lunches, marking a welcome return to The Angel in Thames Ditton.

However, Covid is still with us, the Omicron variant is doubtless waiting its turn to test us, so to ensure everyone is safe please do not come if you are feeling at all unwell.

Even if you are feeling well and are fully vaccinated you could still be carrying and spreading the Covid virus. So it would make good sense to carry out a lateral flow test on yourself the day before or even on the day. I will be doing the same.

This is also the formal CUK advice, which you can read here.

If you have already paid and have to cancel, we will do our best to get you a refund.

Please come and enjoy yourselves, be aware of other's social distancing preferences and keep us all safe.


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