Monday, May 15, 2023

"Bernard's" pothole to be fixed.

"Bernard's" pothole to be fixed. 

This has taken considerably longer than I expected partly due to my lack of familiarity with what I judge as an unnecessarily "non-user friendly" process.  I will check with CTC (as directed to by the hot link on the Sou'Wester portal) and as necessary will engage them and/or the relevant HMG junior minister with a proposal for a more efficient process.  I'll involve a member of the Committee if requested; a brief chat with a Committee nominee at a future ride would be appreciated.           

The relevant teams at Surrey CC have acted promptly.  

Your Reference Number: 2640291

Highways Reference Number: 30898

Dear chris.mhyde,

Thank you for your enquiry which has been logged as follows:

Issue: CW - Pothole (P2) (Carriageway and Footway)

We have inspected this location and have now passed this safety problem to our work teams for repair. It will be fixed or made safe within the next 5 working days.

To find out more about our timescales, and how we prioritise problems on the roads, please go to:

Kind regards,
Surrey Highways

Please do not reply to this message, as it is sent from an unmonitored email address. If you need to get in contact with us again about this enquiry, please email quoting your reference.


Steph said...

Wow. Well done Chris!

Dave C said...

You put your pot-hole complaint together very well Chris, hopefully the pot-hole will get repaired with equal commitment.

Diane said...

Awesome, well done!