Saturday, May 11, 2024

Report for C Group post AGM (8th May)

A smaller group than in recent weeks: surely that can have had nothing to do with the AGM! Just four - John and Anne Connaughton, Colin Lown and myself - set out from North Cheam. A point of interest en route to Hersham was tree-spraying on Thames Ditton and Esher golf course, the purpose being protection against Oak Processionary Moth infestation. Apparently the treatment is carried out in spring and summer while the caterpillars are about.

We were joined by John Bellamy, Bernard Power and Colin Quemby after the AGM and proceeded via Weybridge and Chertsey Bridge to lunch at the Thames Court by Shepperton Lock, a perfect spot on a summer's day. Peter Tiller evidently found it appealing and met us at the pub (time constraints meant he came on four wheels rather than two).

Then, homewards through Sunbury, Bushy Park and, for most of us, Barge Walk to Kingston. Very satisfying that we exceeded 40 miles given the delayed start.

Frank C

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